Mbali Mbali

Copy of TP 5 CELTA
A2 level


In this lesson student will be exposed and practiced adjectives to describe feeling in a context of giving your opinion with the use of ( Ed & Ing ) form of the adjectives describing how it make you feel or your own feeling about something with speaking for fluency talking about their interest and activities they like to do and are common in their country.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practiced the grammar form ( Ing - Ed ) adjectives in the context of talking about their opinion

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practiced speaking for fluency in the context of ( Talking about activities in the UK & their country
  • By the end of the lesson students will have exposed and practiced adjectives to describe feeling in the context Giving Your Opinion


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students' prior knowledge of the target vocabulary

T greet SS and ask them about their weekend T writes on the WB this sentence ( The food was disgusting ) T elicit from SS where do people usually say this sentence T writes on the WB 1-Hotel 2-Book 3-Restaurant 4-film 5-museum 6-football match T elicit ( Restaurant ) T chests out HO 1 Ex.1 and ask students where do usually hear these sentences T says to the class ( Some words are a bit difficult so try to guess the meaning ) SS work alone and check in pairs T WCFB T CCQ meaning of some of the new vocabulary

Test #1 (5-7 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T writes on the WB ( The food was disgusted ) (I was surprising at my birthday ) T asks students to look at these sentences in pairs or in groups and correct the mistakes. SS work together or in a group to find out the mistake T WCFB and try to elicit ( disgusting - surprised ) T chests out HO 1 Ex.2 and ask students to tick the correct sentences cross the mistake ones T points out there are four more mistakes T asks students to check answers with another pair

Teach (8-14 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

T will use the OHP to display the sentences from Ex.2 on WB T checks SS answers by putting a cross or a tick after each sentence T asks students T asks students to work in pairs and underline the mistakes in each sentences with the cross. T Elicit the answers on the WB and correct them T drill the new vocabulary and pay attention to ( disappointing - excited - confusing - frightening ) T try to elicit when do we use Ed-Ing adjective T elicit answers / guesses T draw on the WB a man sitting on a chair watching a TV T elicit what does the man feel now? ( bored - tired - excited) T Tells SS if the man is bored then the movie is ......... T elicit boring T writes on the WB Tom is bored Tom is ........... Tom is ........... The movie is .......... The movie is .......... The movie is .......... T asks students when do we use ING or ED adjectives T elicit / give ( we use ED to describe how a person feels and Ed to describe the thing that made us feel that way T to CC understanding writes on the WB bored / boring and these sentences ( The TV program is ....... ) ( I'm .............. ) T CCQ ( see languages analysis ) T drill sentences

Test #2 (6-8 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T on the WB ( I'm so exciting / excited. I've got tickets for the Robbie Williams concert. ) T elicit the answer from the SS T chests out the Ex.3 and asks students to do the same SS work alone then they check answers in pairs. T WCFB T addresses any problems with meaning or the use on the WB

Semi-Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for the productive skill

T writes on the WB ( I find ............ very tiring ) T elicits different answers T chests out HO 2 Ex.4 and asks SS to fill the gaps with their own answers T monitors SS in pairs tell each other their sentences T asks random SS to tell him one sentence

Productive Task (This stage is optional and it can be modified according to the time ) (4-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Option 1 T asks students as WC ( what people in the UK do when they go out? ) T opens a small class discussion T shows a list of seven activities that people in the UK usually do. T asks students what do you usually do in your country T elicits some answers from students T on the WB or on the OHP these questions 1- What are the favourite activities for people in your country? 2- What about you? What do you like doing? 3- What’s your favourite place to go out and why? 4- What do you do in your free time? 5- How often do you visit ( museums / bars/ cinema)? When was the last time? T monitors to check understanding and listens to students mistakes. if there is none, teacher will address some of the most common mistakes for their level at the end of the lesson (Pre-intermediate) T asks student to put the activities in the most common to the least common. T addresses the mistakes on the WB Option 2 T asks students (what people in the Turkey do when they go out ) T gets different ideas from students T asks student in pairs / groups to write 5 things people in turkey do when they go out . T monitors to check understanding and listens to students mistakes. if there is none, teacher will address some of the most common mistakes for their level at the end of the lesson (Pre-intermediate) T asks student to put the activities in the most common to the least common. T asks students to write 2 sentences about the activity that Turkish people do in their free time.

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