Alaa Alaa

Vocabulary in Context
Grade 5 level


In this lesson, students will understand the meaning of new vocabulary in context and actively use them. Students will play guessing game as warm up, then they will be exposed to a reading passage that contains the new vocabulary and followed by questions as a practice. Finally the teacher will engage the students with the words, and get feedback from students about the session.


Abc Three pieces of paper- pens
Abc computer- projector
Abc chart
Abc white board- markers
Abc reading passage

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to identify the new vocabulary in context, their synonyms and antonyms and actively use them

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will write a paragraph using the new vocabulary.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher provides students with a guessing game to teach vocabulary. Students will be exposed to a chart stuck on the board on which the teacher drew two columns. One of them contains the ten new vocabulary and their parts of speech. Under each word there is an example of it. The second column contains the definitions of such words Students will read the sentence, try to guess the meaning from the context and match it with the right definition. 1- Specialty (n.) a- To stop or hinders an action. ex: His specialty is training horses. 2- Disturbing (v.) b- To intrude upon or bother. ex: The visitors were disturbing the sleeping baby 3- Collapsed (v.) c- To fall down suddenly. ex: Part of the roof collapsed after the fire. 4- Squashing (v.) d- A special talent or skill. ex: He was squashing the apples for the applesauce. 5- Shifted (v.) e- Deprived of the power to feel. ex: She shifted the heavy basket in her arms. 6- Numb (adj.) f- To move or stand unsteadily as if carrying great weight. ex: The boys toes were numb with cold 7- Staggered (v.) g- To transfer from one place to another. ex: Carrying the large boxes, she staggered clumsily. 8- Struggled (v.) h-To move unsteadily from side to side. ex: She struggled to stay awake. 9- Wobbled (v.) i- To make strenuous efforts. ex: The old table wobbled. 10- Interrupted (v.) j- To beat or flatten into a pulp. ex: I was about to finish my joke when my father interrupted me.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students will see the target vocabulary in a different context. The teacher uses the projector to show students a reading passage, that she has prepared, which contains the target vocabulary. Students, first, will read the questions, then read the passage, and finally they answer the questions individually. Before the teacher discusses the answers with students, students are given time to revise their answers in pairs.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher using the picture cards to introduce the words. The teacher pronounce the words and students repeat after her in chorus, groups, then the teacher chooses one student from each group to pronounce the word individually...etc.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher explains the parts of speech of each word, give students some synonyms and antonyms and examples of the words.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students are supposed to give more synonyms and antonyms for the new vocabulary. The teacher, also, elicit a lot of examples from them.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The teacher engages students with the word. The teacher , for example, tells students that her mom is a good cooker, but her specialty is deserts. The teacher then asks their students: "what is your specialty?" "In which situations did you struggle most?" "Can we interrupt our parents while they are speaking together?" "When can we feel our hands, or legs numb?" "What does disturb you from enjoying the food and drinks while setting at a restaurant?"...etc.

Free Practice (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students are put in the place of a problem solver. The teacher asks students to write a paragraph that tells about a situation in which they struggled a lot and were about to give up but finally they became able to overcome it. Students are divided in three groups. The members of each group discuss together what would they write and one of them, which the teacher chooses, will write the paragraph, and another one will revise it. The main aim of this task is that students use the new vocabulary.

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