Busra Sanli Busra Sanli

Teaching Practice 7
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn future perfect in the context of environment. Students will be exposed to the TL through sentences in a reading text. The lesson will be covered via guided discovery followed by a controlled, a semi-controlled and a freer activity.


Abc Guided Discovery Sheet
Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide students with clarification and practice of future perfect in the context of environment.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with practice in speaking for accuracy and fluency in the context of environment.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T: "Have you read any interesting news recently? I have read that scienstist are testing driverless cars like this (showing the photo of a driverless car) and they are planning to sell these cars. I'm surprised because it is like a future dream. What do you think about this? What kind of other future dreams can you think of?" T wants Ss to discuss the questions in pairs in 1 minute and asks ICQs; "What are you going to do? (discuss the questions)" "In pairs or as a group? (in pairs)" "How many minutes do you have for that? (1 minute)" T gets the predictions from the Ss.

Exposure & Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation and to draw students' attention to the target language

T: "Now you are going to read a text. In 3 minutes, individually. While reading, pay more attention to the highlighted parts." T asks ICQs; "Are you reading in pairs or individually? (individually)" "How many minutes do you have? (3 minutes)" T: "Are these sentences about past, present or future?... Let's learn more about them."

Clarification (11-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shows the guided discovery sheet and wants Ss to do all the exercises in pairs in 3 minutes. ICQs: "Are you going to do the exercises in pairs or individually? (in pairs)" "How many minutes do you have? (3 minutes) T gives the answer key and wants Ss to check their answers in 1 minute. To clarify the meaning; T writes one of the sentences on the board, draws a timeline and asks CCQs; "Did the people perform the actions? (No)" "Are the people planning to perform the actions? (Yes)" "Do we know exactly when they will perform the actions? (No)" To clarify the form; T highlight the form on the board with the same example. To clarify the pronunciation; T gets Ss to read the example and tries to elicit the correct stress. T models and drills individually. T shows the contraction, models and drills chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T: "Now, let's find out how much you have understood. In 3 minutes, individually, answer these questions." T asks ICQs; "Are you going to answer the questions alone or in pairs? (alone)" "How many minutes do you have for that? (3 minutes)" T wants Ss to compare their answers with their partners in 1 minute and gives the answer key to check together. T monitors closely and helps when necessary.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T: "Now, it's your turn. As groups of 3, in 4 minutes, you are going to make predictions about these topic by using these time phrases." ICQs; "What are you going to do? (make predictions)" "In pairs or groups? (groups)" "In how many minutes? (4 minutes)" T monitors closely and helps when necessary. T gets some opinions from the groups.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T: "What about your future? Think about the things that you'd like to do before you die and when you can do these. Make a list in 1 minute, individually." ICQs; "What are you going to do? (make a list)" "In pairs or individually? (individually)" "In how many minutes? (1 minute)" T: "Now, you are going to tell your partners about your list in 3 minutes. Don't forget to use time expressions" T demonstrates an example, "I'll've learned Spanish in 2 years' time". ICQs; "What are you going to do? (tell about the lists)" "In pairs or groups? (in pairs)" "How many minutes do you have? (3 minutes) T wants Ss to change the partners and do the same with new ones in another 3 minutes. T monitors closely and notes down the mistakes to give delayed FB. T writes some of the mistakes on the board and wants Ss to correct them as groups. T wraps up if there is enough time left and finishes the lesson.

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