Ismail Noaman Ismail Noaman

Ismail Noaman
B2 Unit 2 Session B level


Abc SB

Main Aims

  • To clarify how to organize information in a leaflet in the context of best ways to survive.
  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for agreeing, complementing someone and responding to complements. in the context of Complementing one's work
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about conversation about taking photos in the context of Complementing

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about be wise and survive in the context of surviving outdoors
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of complemeting and admiring one's work


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Books closed. Praise something a student (or students) have done recently, for example I was really impressed by your homework, Lara! You are very good at thinking of stories. Elicit that you are praising Lara and giving her a compliment. Write the word compliment on the board. Ask students to think about compliments that they have given or received in the last 24 hours. Give students two minutes to note these down. They then compare their compliments with a partner’s. Take feedback as a class, to hear examples and find out who has given or received the most compliments in the class.

Pre-listening (5-7 minutes) • To generate interest in the audio and motivate ss to listen to it

A) Ask students how they usually take photos (for example on a phone/tablet/with a camera). Then ask them to discuss the questions in pairs. Take feedback as a class, and ask for comments from their conversations. B) Students look at the photo and say what they can see. You may wish to elicit or pre-teach the word tripod (a support for a camera with three legs). Ask questions 1 and 2 and extend by asking where the class think the girls are and why they might be there.

Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with a gist, specific and detail tasks

C) Play Part 1 of the video or the audio recording for students to check their answers to 1b. Answers 1 She’s measuring the height of the tripod. 2 It’s difficult. D) Read through the statements about the recording and ask students if they are true or false. Students do the task in pairs. Play the recording again for students to listen and check answers. Answers 1 T 2 F – she can’t get the right height or close enough. 3 T 4 T

Conversation skills (12-15 minutes) • To provide Ss with different ways to agree using question tags

A) Say or write some short statements on the board including a negative, e.g. Photography’s a fascinating hobby. This isn’t an interesting picture. It’s quite difficult. Ask how students could agree with these statements, e.g. You’re right, I agree with you. Then tell the class they have to listen to the recording again to hear how Tessa responded to Becky’s comment: It’s quite difficult. Play the recording for students to listen and check the answer. Answer Yeah, it’s hard, isn’t it? B) Ask the students to choose the correct words in 1 and 2 as a class. Point out that a question tag can be used to agree with both a positive and negative statement. If necessary, give some examples: It’s a lovely photo, isn’t it? It isn’t an interesting shot, is it? Answers 1 agree 2 interesting C) Individually, students complete the sentences. Check answers as a class. Answers 1 isn’t 2 were D) Ask students to complete the rule. Check answers as a class. Answers negative, positive E) Refer students back to 2c and point out the change of adjectives used to make the exchange more interesting: lovely/charming, clear/helpful. Read through the adjectives in the box, clarifying where necessary: soaking (completely wet), breathtaking (incredible to see). In pairs, students complete the exchanges using the correct adjective and question tags. Check answers as a class. Answers 1 soaking, aren’t 2 breathtaking, isn’t 3 welcoming, were 4 worried, doesn’t

Pronunciation (5-7 minutes) • To help ss notice how native speakers leave out some sounds when they speak rapidly

A) Say the statements with question tags from 2c or 2e. Ask students to say whether your intonation was the same with all of them. Play the recording for students to decide whether the intonation rises or falls in the examples, and what the difference in meaning is. Check answers as a class. Answer down, not really a question B) In pairs, students practise the conversations in 2e. Monitor and correct students’ intonation as appropriate. You can drill this as a class, or divide the class in half – As and Bs responding to each other.

Speaking (5-7 minutes) • To provide a practice of TL in different topics

C) Read through the task and adjectives with the class. Look at the examples in the speech bubbles and then ask students to make similar exchanges with a partner. Monitor and correct intonation or question tags if necessary. Note any interesting descriptions and mention to the class in feedback.

Listening (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks

A) Ask students to look at the photo and tell you what they can see. You may wish to elicit or pre-teach approach (a way of doing something). Discuss the question as a class B) In pairs, students compare the two photos, saying what is similar and what is different about them, and which they think is the better picture and why. C) Play Part 2 of the video or audio recording for students to decide what Becky and Tessa think about the photos. Check answers as a class. Answer Tessa thinks her own photo is not bad. Becky thinks her own photos are pretty boring, nothing special

Useful language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language needed for the coming speaking task

A) Play the recording for students to complete the conversation. Check answers as a class. Audioscript BECKY What a great shot! TESSA It’s all right. B You know just how to get a really good shot. The light is amazing. T Thanks. Guess it’s not bad. B) Discuss the questions as a class. Answers 1 yes 2 neutral C) Ask students to work in pairs, to match the compliments to the words and phrases. Check answers as a class. Nominate students to read out the sentences, using intonation and stress to make them sound exciting. Answers 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c D) Read through the responses in the speech bubbles with the class and ask which are grateful and which are neutral. Model the responses for the students to repeat for practice. Answers grateful: Thanks, I’m glad you like it. I’m really pleased you like it. neutral: Do you think so? It’s OK, I guess. E) Put students into pairs and read through the task with the class. Encourage students to use the stress and intonation they practised in giving the compliments and the responses. Monitor and correct students’ intonation as appropriate. Ask a stronger pair to repeat their conversation for the class.

Speaking To allow ss to practice speaking for fluency using the useful language in a polite intonation (8-10 minutes) • To allow ss to practice speaking for fluency using the useful language to give complements.

A) Students work individually to make notes for compliments they can give to their classmates. Read through the points and the examples in the speech bubbles to give them some ideas. Monitor to give further help if necessary. B) Students do a mingle activity to compliment different students. To do this, they stand up and walk round, so that they talk to as many students as possible. Join in and keep the students moving. If you have a very large class, this may not be practical. Put students into smaller groups to do the mingle activity. As you mingle with the students, keep notes of examples of good language use and interesting examples, as well as any common errors to deal with during full group feedback.

Writing Skills (p29) (8-10 minutes) • To draw ss’ attention to the organization of the guidelines in a leaflet.

A) Read through the task and situations with the class. Give students five minutes in pairs to note down advice for a leaflet. Monitor and prompt where necessary. B) Read through the points that students should remember when writing a leaflet. Individually, students then write a leaflet. Monitor and encourage self-correction. Focus on the use of imperatives you have looked at in the lesson. C) Students swap leaflets and check the content, accuracy and layout. Monitor and help as necessary. D) Distribute the leaflets around the class for students to read and then take feedback as a class. Ask which leaflet the students found the clearest and most useful. If appropriate, ask which was the funniest and/or gave the most unusual advice.

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