Ross Ledford Ross Ledford

Food and Restaurants speaking Lesson
Intermediate. level


In this lesson students will have the opportunity to improve fluency, pronunciation and accuracy during conversation practice in the context of their favourite foods and restaurants, There will be both controlled practice and free production exercises. It will also include a controlled practice listening exercise designed to provide a modal for the following speaking exercises.


Abc Cutting Edge CD Rom
Abc HO 1
Abc Laptop
Abc White Board (WB)

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of both their own and other peoples favourite foods and restaurants.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about peoples favourite places to eat in the context of favourite foods and restaurants.
  • To provide the opportunity for controlled practice and free production on lexis covered in earlier lessons on the topic of foods and restaurants.


Warmer/Lead-in (8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students. To activate schemata.

Welcome students to class. Ensure students are appropriately seated to accommodate PW, GW and efficient monitoring. Ask students to write out name cards as it is a new class Introduce myself to new students who may have joined. Introduce the context favourite foods and restaurants. Distribute HO 1 Put students into pairs for PW. Ask Ss to turn to page one of HO. Focus Ss attention on the pictures Ask for feedback on the things that they can see, type of food or restaurant etc, Is it a cheap or expensive place to eat etc. Ask students to discuss their opinions in pairs. While they are discussing. Write following questions on WB: 1a) When you have a special meal with your family or friends, do you usually go to a restaurant or stay at home? b) Why? 2) What type of restaurant do you prefer? 3a) Do you prefer a cheap local restaurant or an expensive restaurant? b) Why? Elicit understanding and answers from Ss use CCQs. Personalise and give example answers as a model for students. Ask students to discuss their answers in pairs. Monitor student conversations. Nominate feedback.

Activity 1 (8 minutes) • To provide exposure and context for the target language through an audio text about favourite foods and restaurants. To listen for gist in the context of foods and restaurants. For students to check answers with a partner. Controlled Practice.

Ask Ss to turn to page 2 of HO 1. Ask students to read the sentences. Clarify unknown vocabulary. Explain that we will listen to an audio sample containing 3 people talking about the food they like to eat and the restaurants they like to go to. Ss must listen and write the name of the person who said the sentence next to the sentence in the table on page 2 of the HO. Ask CCQs to clarify understanding. Play audio. Monitor participation and if beneficial play audio a second time. Put students into pairs to compare answers. Nominate feedback and check answers.

Activity 2 (8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and new lexis in the context of favourite foods and restaurants. To listen for specific information in the context of foods and restaurants. For students to check answers in pairs. Controlled practice.

Present new lexis: "Atmosphere" in relation to a place (how a place feels) Show lexis VA of a party. Try to elicit by asking a party has an energetic and fun................ Explain meaning. Ask CCQ does a birthday party have a happy or sad atmosphere? Show lexis VA of rock concert. Ask CCQ does a rock music concert have an energetic or boring atmosphere? Show lexis VA of a funeral. Ask CCQ what type of atmosphere does a funeral have. Vocally modal atmosphere and write on WB. Group and individual drill atmosphere. Present new lexis: "Speciality" Show lexis VA of pizza chef and kebab chef. Elicit what types of restaurant they work in. Try to elicit the word speciality by the prompts: Kebab is this chefs........... In this restaurant pizza is the.......... Ask CCQs based on the VAs: Are burgers the speciality in this restaurant? Is this chefs speciality noodles? Vocally modal speciality and write on WB Group and individual drill Present new lexis: "Delicious" Try to elicit delicious by saying I love turkish food especially kokorec. I really enjoy eating it!!! It is............... Ask CCQ tell me something you find delicious. Vocally modal delicious and write on WB Group and individual drill. Ask Ss to turn to page 3 of HO 1 and read the sentences. Explain I will play the same audio clip as I played in previous exercise. Ss must tick which sentences they hear in the audio text. Ask CCQ what will we do? Clarify if necessary. Play audio clip. Monitor participation and response. Replay audio if necessary. Check answers in Pairs. Nominate feedback from Ss.

Activity 3 (7 minutes) • To prepare a short speech in the context of food and restaurants. To provide a personalised modal and example to help clarify TL in preparation for free practice. To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful free practice. Less controlled practice.

Write on WB: The name of the restaurant. Where is the restaurant. Why you like it. The atmosphere. What type of food. Personalise and give example: Korfez Centre of Bodrum Town. Great food, good music and a beautiful view of the marina. It is lively and busy. It specialises in fish but there are other turkish foods available. Ask Ss to turn to page 5 of HO. Give students 4 minutes to take some short notes and prepare answers to these questions because they will talk about their favourite places to eat in the nest exercise. Point out they are free to ask me for help or grammar/vocabulary clarification. Point out it only needs to be brief notes not a fully written paragraph. Circulate and monitor. Assist as required.

Activity 4 (14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice and production of the target language in the context of their favourite foods and restaurants. To provide the opportunity to improve fluency, pronunciation and accuracy during conversation practice in the context of their favourite foods and restaurants.

Put Ss into small groups. Ask Ss to tell each other about their favourite place to eat. Encourage Ss to take notes on page 5 of HO as it will help them in the next task. Put Ss into pairs with students from different groups. Ss tell their partner what both they and their group members favourite places to eat are and why. Nominate for feedback.

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