meryemcolak meryemcolak

Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be discovering and practising Past Simple affirmative sentences with regular and irregular forms. They are going to work on the extracts from the second lesson's listening text to find out the meaning and form.


Abc Hand out
Abc Word Cloud Photo
Abc Audio 3.3

Main Aims

  • To provide students with clarification and practice for affirmative past simple with regular and irregular forms in the context of three strong women

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with practice in speaking for accuracy


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Prepare a word cloud including the names of the three women in the previos lessons (Chimokel, Soula Sarah) before the lesson. -Ask Students (Ss) "Are you good at remembering things?....Now I am going to show you a photo let's see how good you are" -Give them time to look at the names and discover the three names. -Then ask "Do you remember these women?" Elicit the answers quickly. (Move to the other stage)

Exposure & Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation / To draw students' attention to the target language

-Tell them "There are 4 sentences and I took them from the listening part. You are going to write the names of the three women into the blanks" Set 1 minute. Ask ICQs: 1. What are you going to write into the blanks? 2. What are the names? -Tell them not to unfold the paper. Give them the worksheets. -After they finish, ask them to check the answers in pairs immediately. -Elicit the answers through WCF. -Say "Now, You will see some time expressions. They are the expressions of these sentences. I hope you remember. You are going to match them to these 4 sentences. You have 1 minute again" -Ask some ICQs here: 1. What are you going to mach? 2. Are you going to work alone? -Tell them to unfold the paper and start. -After they finish, ask them to check the answers quickly. -Elicit the answers in plenary feedback. -Then tell them to look at the verbs of the sentences. Say "There is something different about the words, huh? Started? It is normally? What? Right now we will find it out"

Clarification (14-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: -Tell them they are going to look at two sentences about Chimokel and Soulo and choose yes or no for each question. Set 1 minute. Ask ICQs: 1. What are you going to choose for each question? 2.How many minutes do you have? -Then give them the worksheets folded. -After they finish, tell them to do a quick check with their partners. -Then say "If you say no clap once, If you say yes clap many times". Then start the feedback. -If they feel confused about the questions ask more questions and remind them of the text. -And tell them to unfold the other half and choose the best option for the sentences. They will have 1 minute again. -After they finish sum up the main points by using these questions: 1. Do we use past simple for the actions in the past? 2. Are they still going on? -Elicit the answers quickly. Form: -Tell them they are going to look at these two sentences again discuss the questions in pairs. Set 1 (maybe 1and a half) minute. -Give them the worksheets folded. Start the activity. -Tell them to check their answers in pairs. -While they are working on it, you write the sentences on the board. -Work on the board and clarify the important points on the board by elciting the answers with WCF. -Ask them "Do you think -ed ending sometimes change according to the verbs?" Elicit the ideas. -Say "now you are going to see some differences in -ed ending" -Say they are to find more words from the box to go with the examples. Set 1 minute. -Ask ICQs: 1.Will there be examples for you? 2.Where are the other verbs? -Get them to do peer check before you elicit the answers on the board. Pronunciation: -Ask them "Does -ed sound the same at the end of every verb?" Elicit the ideas. -Make them listen to the audio 1. Ask the same question again. Focus on the /t/ /d/ and /ıd/ sound. You model and get them to drill. -Tell them they are going to listen to some verbs and write into their correct places. Tell them to listen to it carefully. -Give them the worksheets folded. -When they finish, elicit the answers by showing them the words on the board. Model and get them to drill again. -Pair them up and Say "Choose student A and Student B. There are 6 verbs. Student A is going to say the 1 2 3 and Student B is going to say 4 5 6 verbs, but with the correct pronunciaton. You are going to see /t/ /d/ /ıd/ you will have your partner's answers. When your partner say the verb, say right or wrong. You have 1 minute again." Ask ICQs 1. Student A is taking the verbs ........ 1 2 3? Student B...... 2. Will you have your partners answers? 3. Will your partner have your answers? 4. Will you see /t/ /d/... sounds on it? -You can work on instructions on the board if you feel helpless. -Come back to the board.Tell them to look at the verbs that they listened to. Ask them when /t/ /d/ or /ıd/ shows up. Elicit the answers on the board quickly. Emphasize that /ıd/ only shows up after /t/ or /d/.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Say there will be a paragraph about Sarah's journey. They are going to fill in the gaps with Past simple forms of the verbs. -Set 2 minutes. -As they do the activity you monitor them try to find out what parts they have problems with. -When they finish, Get them to do peer-chek and elicit the answers through WCF.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-Tell them they are going to complete the first part of the sentence with past simple forms of the verbs and complete the second part with their own ideas. Tell them to unfold the worksheet. Set 2 minutes. Ask ICQs: -How are you going to complete the first part of the sentence? -How are you............................. the second part of the sentence? After they finish get them into groups of three and want them to talk about their answers to each other. Set 2 minutes again. You monitor carefully and go over their sheets in case there are still mistakes in form or meaning. If you are not short of time you may ask some Ss to tell about their answers.

Free Practice (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Say "You are going talk about one of your good or bad days shortly and use at least 4 past simple verbs when you are telling your story. Your friend will check how many verbs you are using, then your partner will talk and you will check. Before you start just think for 2 minutes. What can you say? Then you can start. When you start, you will have 4 minutes" Ask ICQs: 1. What are you going to talk about? 2. Do you have time to think before you start? 3. How many minutes do you have to think? 4. How many past simple verb do you need to use at least? While they are doing this activity, monitor them craefully, take notes. After they finish, ask anybody wants to share their own story. Finish off the lesson with some error correction, maybe wrap-up.

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