Busra Sanli Busra Sanli

Teaching Practice 6
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students listen for gist and specific information in the context of illnesses and injuries.


Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide students with practice in listening for gist and specific information in the context of health.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with practice in speaking for fluency.


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T: "In the previous lesson, you talked about the people who are .... (cybercondriac). What do you remember about that kind of people?" T: "Today, we are going to listen to an interview about this illness. Do you know the name of it? (cybercondria). Before listening, let's focus on a few words."

Pre-Listening (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre-Teach Vocabulary T elicits "examine" from Ss by giving examples; "Last week I was very sick and went to a doctor and he ......... me to see what is wrong. So, what did he do? (examined)" T asks more questions to clarify the form and the pronunciation; "Is it a noun / a verb / an ajective?" (a verb) T models and asks where the stress is. T drills chorally and individually. T elicits "diagnose" from Ss by giving examples; "After he examined me, he ........ my illness - the flu. So, What did he do? (diagnosed)" T asks more questions to clarify the form and pronunciation; "Is it a noun? (No) What part of speech is it? (a verb) What is the noun form of it (diagnosis)" T models and asks where the stress is. T drills chorally and individually.

While-Listening #1 (6-9 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening tasks

T: "You are going to listen to an interview with a doctor talking about cyberchondria. Listen for her general opinion of people using health websites." T asks an ICQ "What are you going to listen for? (for her general opinion)" T asks Ss if they need to listen once again. If they say no, T wants Ss to discuss their answers in pairs in 2 minutes. Then, T gets the Ss' answers.

While-Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information listening tasks

T: "Now, you are going to listen again and answer these questions. Before listening, read the questions first in 1 minute." and asks ICQs; "What are going to do?" (read first) "How many minutes do you have to read?" (1 minute) T plays the audio again. T asks Ss if they need to listen again. T: "Compare your answers with your partner in 2 minutes." T gets the answers from the pairs.

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks Ss to discuss the questions written on the handout in pairs in 4 minutes. ICQs; "What are you going to do?" (discuss the questions) "As a group or in pairs?" (in pairs) "How many minutes do you have to do?" (4 minutes) T wants Ss to change their partners and to discuss the same questions with new partners in 4 minutes. T monitors and notes down the mistakes to give delayed FB. T writes some of the mistakes on the board and wants Ss to correct them in pairs. T wraps up if there is enough time left and finishes the lesson.

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