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reading lesson about a cyberchondriac
upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students read confessions of a cyberchondriac and do gist and specific information reading activities. They also learn and review some new lexis about medicine and health. Finally, they do a role-play activity in which one student becomes a cyberchondriac and the other a doctor.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about confessions of a cyberchondriac in the context of health and medicine

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a role play in the context of health and medicine


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher begins the lesson with a questionnaire in the same context as the previous lesson. T: "Hello everybody.You talked about health in previous lesson right? So I have a short questionnaire about health. Let's look at the board, read the questions and answer them with 'yes' or 'no'" T: So, how many yes do you have? and how many no do you have? [after getting the answers], If you have more than 3 'yes', you are a hypochondriac. [she writes the word on the board] It means you like creating illnesses for yourself. [she drills the word and elicits the part of speech]. What may 'cyberchondriac' mean then? [If they have no idea, she asks them where do they search for the ilnesses most and makes sts understand that it is something about the internet]

Pre-Reading 1 (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Teacher gives a hand-out to remind some health lexis. T: "We will read a text about cyberchondriacs but first let's have a look at some vocabulary. I am giving you a hand out. There are some sentences with bold words. Read the sentences, try to guess the bold words and then match these words with their explanations below. You will do this in pairs and you have 3 minutes" When they finish, the teacher wants them to compare their answers with another pair. Then, she gets the answers, writes them on the board and make students study meaning, form and the pronunciation of the words. T: "So who is saying the first one [she gets the answer], If there is infection in a place, does it spread quickly or not? (quickly) What is the part of speech of this word? (noun) Let's repeat after me..." Teacher goes on studying meaning, form and pronunciation like this. Other questions to clarify the meaning are: "Have you ever had a surgery? What surgery?", "Who makes diagnosis?, When do you need a diagnosis?", "Do you trust alternative remedies?", "Do you think there is a miracle cure for cancer?"

While-Reading #1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging gist reading task through a multiple choice activity

Teacher shows 3 sentences on the board and makes sts read the sentences first,then the text quickly to choose which sentence best describes what the text mainly says. T: "Ok we are ready for the text now. I will show you 3 sentences on the board. Read them carefully. Then read the text quickly to get the general idea. What does the text mainly tell us? After a quick reading, choose one of the sentences. You have 3 minutes to do this individually." Teacher asks ICQs T: "What are you reading first?, How are you reading the text:in detail or not?, What are you trying to understand?, Do you need to understand all words?, How many minutes do you have?" When they finish, teacher asks them to share their ideas in pairs. After that she gets the answers and asks how they have decided to choose that option.

While-Reading #2 (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging finding specific information reading through a topic sentence matching activity

Teacher gives a hand-out and asks sts to read the topic sentences that are missing in the text. Then she asks them to read the text in a more detailed way this time and match these topic sentences with the paragraphs individually in 5-6 minutes. T:" Now, you know what the text is mainly about. I am giving you a hand-out. There are topic sentences that do not exist in the text. Please read the topic sentences. Then read the text in a more detailed way this time and match the topic sentences with the paragraphs. You have 5-6 minutes. Please underline the key words that help you while matching" After they finish, teacher asks them to compare their matching and tell why they have matched like that. Then she gets the answers and asks the key words that they get help while doing the activity.

Post-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned through a role-play activity about cyberchondriacs

Teacher gives role-play cards to pairs and gives them time to prepare for and act their roles. T:" After reading the text, you know what cyberchondriac is. Now, you will be a doctor or a patient and play the role written in your card. I am giving you the cards. First read your role carefully and think about what you will say. Then you will begin your role play. For reading and preparing yourself, you have 2-3 minutes. You may ask me if you don't understand something in your cards." Students play their roles and teacher takes notes of their mistakes and good language. Finally, she gives feedback and wraps up.

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