Shrouk Teacher Shrouk Teacher

Cappucino and chips: present simple
beginners level


In this lesson students will get to know the present simple tense through reading a text about famous facts and habits of the British people. Students will use the tense to express the facts and routines of a speacific nation such as the British or the Egyptians. Then they're going to talk about their personal habits.


Abc adapted from New English File, Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham Koeniga and Paul Seligson
Abc a matching exercise handout
Abc Gap-fill/ true or false handout
Abc pictures
Abc the text handout
Abc adapted from New English File, Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham Koeniga and Paul Seligson

Main Aims

  • Grammar: To provide clarification of the present simple tense in the context of facts and habits of the British people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading: To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about things that are 'typically British'


Guess today's topic! (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- I'll show students some pictures of different places and things that are famous symbols of Britiain. - I'll ask them if they know these things and where they can find them. I'll elicit from them 'Britiain' or 'England' and the name of the obejcts demonstrated. - Then I'll ask them if they can guess what we are talking about today and I'll elicit the answer: famous things and habits of the Birtish people. - I'l ask them if they know any other things related to the country.

Reading text: "Typically British" (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

- I'll tell students that we're going to read about things that the British people are famous for; things are that typically British. To support this meaning further I'll ask them to give examples of things that are typically egyptian and I'll elicit one or two answers only. - Before reading, students are going to answer a matching exercise in pairs of the difficult vocabulary. - I'll distribute the text handout among ss, then ask them what they can see in the pitcures. - I'll ask students to try to predict which of these things (in the pictures) are typically British; to support the meaning further, I'll ask them first to give examples of things that are typically Egyptian, I'll elicit one or two examples only. - I'll get feedback from them without telling if they are true or not. - I'll ask them to read the text quickly to find out the answer. I'll distribute true/ fase exercise and I'll ask students to read the text in order to find the answers for this exercise. I'll mention that they don't have to ready every single word and it's better to read quicky just to find the answer. - I'll give students a feedback through an answer key.

Clarification (10-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- I'll extract two example sentences from the text and write them on the board: the man cooks at the weekend. people drink a lot of coffee. - then I'll ask concept checking questions for each sentence: Is it happening now? (no) Is it routine// fact / habit? (yes) - then I'll highlight the form : S. ( singular/ third person)+ v+s S. (plural) + v infintive - I'll ask students to find examples from the text _ Then I'll demonstrate through the previous sentences the difference bwetten affirmative and negative form: negative form : third person+ doesn't+ v infinitive I, you and plurals + don't + v infintive -I'll ask students to find examples from the text. -

Controlled Practice (10-13 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Students will answer two gap-fill exercises to consolidate the affiramtive and negative form. -Students will check their answers in pairs. - Then we''l have an open class feedback.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-I tell students that they are going to list down things that are typically Egyptian: Things Egyptians usually do in their everyday life. For example what the eat in breakfast, in Ramadan etc. What they do on the weekend etc. - I'll give SS some minutes to prepare, then I'll divide them into groups of three. - I'll moniter to observe their use of the language. - We'll have an open class feedback and error correction. - Task no. 2 : I'll ask each students to write what they do on their weekend. - Students will check in pairs their routines. - Then I'll get feedback through asking each students to repots their partner's routines. -- I'

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