Goli Goli

Tense review in grammar and speaking
Life Style, Int, Pearson, 2010 level


In this lesson, Sts review tenses. T shows some pictures and asks Sts to guess her jobs, plans, and activities and write the correct sentences on the board and underlines keywords for them. Afterwards, sts should do the same in pairs by writing the key words of their jobs and guessing about each other. This is followed by clarifying the tense of the sentences of Exe 8 on the board and their verb forms on the wall in groups. Having prepared sts for different tense, T begins the main aim in speaking part where she tells a story about the hourglass that she has bought by using different tenses. Then the sts imitate the teacher and try to tell a story game about themselves which goes on sentence by sentence by each one of them in a circle where the loser is when the time stops. After that, the game is continued by filling out divided color papers individually, out of the questions and information given in Exe 11 and having discussion in pairs with someone who has the same colour . Finally, for the production part sts are divided into two groups of interviewers and celebrities that are chosen by themselves and interviewers give celebrities interviews according to the photocopiable activity 1.1 of Life Style in an onion ring ( where the outer circle is allowed to move) which is accompanied by WC feedback.


Abc Materials (source and handouts:adapted worksheet from course book, board, pictures, realia, Markers
Abc Materials (source and handouts:adapted worksheet from course book, board, pictures, realia, Markers
Abc Materials (source and handouts:adapted worksheet from course book, board, pictures, realia, Markers

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy in a conversation and an interview in the context of their own life, and a celebrity' life , respectively

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of the present simple, the present continuous, the will future, the going to future, the present continuous for future, the past simple, the past continuous, the present perfect in the context of life


lead-in (0-7 minutes) • To engage them in recalling tenses

Sts will be shown three pictures on the board and T writes ' when ' on the board. Sts will be asked to guess about the time of the actions and elicit their sentences by asking the question " Can you find any relationship between these pictures and me?" . T write their correct sentences and asked them to help her with key words and she underlines the key words. T asks students to think about three activities that they did , are doing and plan to do and just write 3 key words except the time of the activity on a piece of paper. ICQ: Are you going to write sentences or keywords? can time be your keyword here? T asks the sts to guess about the time of their partner's activity about about the exact thing they did,are doing or plan to do in pairs. ICQ: Are you going to do it individually?or how should you do it? Who should guess the time? T gets WC feedback: " What interesting point did you find about your friend?

(0-10 minutes) • To review the tenses of past, present, and future and their verb forms

T nominates students with past, present and future and ask them to find their own partners and mingle in their own groups and asks them to find the sentences appropriate for their group out of sentences in Exe 8. ICQ: -What is the name of your group? -What should you look for? - Group " past" Can you look for present sentences? Groups checks each other answers and T ask : "Were your friends' s answer correct or not? - T give the answers to all of the members on pieces of paper. T boards S+will+verb on the board and asks them to make a sentence will that. Then she spreads the cards in groups and asks them to make seven other verb forms on their desks . the winner group should raise their hands ICQ: How many verb form should you find ? What should You do if you finish? One student from each group comes and check winners' answer. T asks students to write the verb forms of exe 8 and then check them in pairs. ICQ: Can you write the answers with your friends? With whom should you check the answers? T finally gives the answers on paper.

speaking (0-7 minutes) • To be able to use different tenses while talking about one's self

T asks Sts " Do you know why I have written studying here?" T: Because I'll fail the exam if i don't study hard. T asks students to find the student who has the same colored paper to discuss their written information and ask Wh questions from each other Sts should develop their own conversation and T should monitor students and help those who can't express themselves. WC feedback is taken about the interesting points of their friend's life.

Warmer (0-8 minutes) • To engage their mind how they can use diffrent tenses while speaking

T tells a story about the hourglass that she has brought to the class to talk about about her plan by using different tenses. T asks the sts to make a cirle and and puts the hourglass in the centre. Sts should make correct grammatical sentences about their activities in past, present,future one by one by passing a marker among themselves until the time stops. The person with the marker is the loser since the time has stopped in his/her turn. ICQ:In what tense can you say your sentences? - Are you the winner if the hourglass stop in your turn? - What should you do when you say your sentence correctly? - can your friend pass the marker if her/ his sentence is not correct? -How much time do you have? Loser should read a tongue twister given by the teacher if there is enough time and ask her to read it five times.

Pre-speaking (0-3 minutes) • To think about their daily life, their own past and their plans for their future

T gives the divided color papers to students and writes" a routine job you do every day" on the board and shows her own paper which has written" studying" on one part. T asks one student to distribute the exe 11 among students and asks them to fill the divided circles according to it.

Post-speaking (0-10 minutes) • To engage sts with something further in the target language

T shows the picture of some celebrities and an interviewer and elicits the word celebrity . And if they don’t know it, she teaches that word. T divide the class in two two parts of outer circle and inner circle while the outer sts are interviewers and inner ones are celebrities. The number of the celebrities should be equal to or more than the one of interviewers. Sts can choose themselves in whose famous person's shoes they would like to be, .Interviewers stand outside and move one step to right with teacher clapping and celebrities stand inside but still. interviewer should interview celebrities for their lives according to the questions of photocopiable. ICQ: who should ask the questions? Who should move? Can celebrities move? When you should you move? Are you allowed to move to the left? WC feedback: T randomly asks interviewers what they remember about famous people.

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