Kevin O'Grady Kevin O'Grady

Lesson 2 - Vocabulary and listening
Intermediate Unit 2 level


Abc Course Book Material

Main Aims

  • To provide vocabulary practice of money in the context of banking and worth (loan, mortgage, lend, borrow, earn, worth, afford, broke)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a song lyrics about money
  • To provide review of present perfect and past simple tenses in the context of money


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Welcome the students and get them to say there names. Do you know the titles of any English songs? Do you have a favourite English song? What types things do people sing about? Love, lost love, happiness and elicit MONEY as a response. Can add symbols on the whiteboard to confirm understanding.

Listening (10-12 minutes) • To introduce the topic of money through the song

Students will listen to the lyrics of the song Ka-Ching with the gap-fill exercise from page 20 in the Course Book. Instruct students to fold the paper in half length-wise and turn to side with Ka-Ching Play music for students to listen and complete gap-fill (1-2x) S 3-5 min During first playing words for gap fill are not seen - student focus on sounds of words On second playing - reveal words at the top of the page on the second side Students compare answers S-S 2-3 min and correct for with the whole group (2 min)

Establish word meanings (10-12 minutes) • To establish word meanings of target vocabulary

Students will Complete exercise 2.1 b) from Page 20 Pair students into groups of two or three students and have them complete the matching exercise to word definitions. 3-5 minutes S-S Correct the exercise as a group. During the correction teacher will focus on reviewing pronouciation through modelling, drilling - chorally and individually for more multi-syllabic words or words students may struggle with (earn, loan) 3-5 minutes SSS-T, drilling

While Listening #2 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening task

Play music (until after second verse) (full video image if AV is available) and ask the students what they think the song is saying about money? Ask leading questions such as Does money make people happy? Does the world focus on money? Does the singer want more money? If the lesson is running behind plan time-wise, I will drop this exercise and focus on vocabulary.

Controlled Usage (8-10 minutes) • To have students practice usage of vocabulary and introduce worth and save concept as well as check usage of simple past tense

Have students complete the gap fill individually first (3-4 minutes) S Have students correct their work in pairs. Teacher to monitor progress. S-S (3 minutes) Correct the lesson together as a group (3 minutes). Teacher will do choral drilling and individual drililng for new word (worth) and save if required. Anticipated problem: Worth and save are new in the lesson but students can respond by process of elimination.

Check understanding (Lend, borrow, owe) (2-3 minutes) • Ensure students understand the vocabulary and when to use which word

Can I borrow a 10 lira? Can you lend me 10 lira? I borrowed 10 lira. You leant me 10 lira. Use the pictures on the bottom of handout #2 to indicate the direction that the money has flowed in borrowing and lending to ensure correct usage of subject/verb/object.

Usage in context (possible role play) (5-7 minutes) • To check students usage and understanding of the vocabulary

Ask students - if you went into a bank to get a loan or mortgage, what might the banker ask you? What would you ask or tell the bank? Divide the students into two groups - One group will think of questions to ask the borrower group (bankers) and one group (the borrowers) what to ask the bank. Why? How much? When? E.g. Borrower: Can I borrow some money to buy a house? I earn Euro 2000 per month. Banker: How much is the house worth? When can you pay the money back? IF TIME PERMITS AT THE END, pair students from the two groups to role play borrower and lender.

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