Sabina Sabina

InCompany_B2 (Upper Intermediate) level


In this lesson, sts will revise the conversation makers they learned in the previous lessons and practise conversation skills.


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Main Aims

  • To provide a free speaking practice (conversation), in the context of finding a Spy among us

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of language used for conversation starters, ways of saying No, Changing topic, showing appreciation, responding/backchanelling in the context of finding a Spy among us


Warm-up/Roles distribution (8-10 minutes) • To introduce roles, to erase any borders or emotional consequences of SS being colleagues, subordinates and supervisors. To provide a warming up activity.

T hangs 5 pictures around the classroom (an idea: on the chairs nearby, so SS with weaker eye-sight): one of a serious businessman, a successful top-model, the English Queen, a famous writer, a University student. SS have to brainstorm min 2 of the main characteristics of each of them. The final answers can be different, as long as two characters do not have similar characteristics. The example ones are: a businessman (serious, focused), a successful top-model (light-hearted, easy-going), the English Queen (well-mannered, highly-educated), a famous writer (talkative, self-centered), a University student (smart, curious). FB: T gives a quick confirmation of some of the ideas from SS' outcome, and corrects if necessary and guides to the correct image of each role. SS will pick a role randomly, to avoid them picking comfortable roles. If necessary, T clarifies the roles: may elicit a typical facial expression, voice, etc. T clarifies those are going to be their roles for today.

Useful Language/Revision (7-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks. To provide revision of the conversation makers studied earlier

1) SS revise the conversation makers from previous lessons SS go through the tapescripts and underline the discourse makers correspondent to the criteria. T guides and helps where necessary. To check the answers, T hands out the tapescripts where the language is underlined. 2) In pairs, SS practise pronunciation of the phrases according to different moods: disappointed, confident, shy, energetic. T monitors and notes down the ones SS either struggle with or have a problem with pronouncing it naturally. Also, T gathers some good examples. For FB, T makes stronger SS repeat the good examples

Preparation for the Task (5-7 minutes) • To prepare for the Productive Task

T introduces the Spying Game. T elicits what this game might be about and gathers some ideas. T establishes that the questions must elicit as much information as possible. SS write questions using the guidelines from WS. T monitors and helps with the language if necessary. T establishes the time limit so SS understand the time limit.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking (conversation) using the target structures

T establishes that SS must gather as much information as possible in order to guess who the Spy is. SS have to talk to 4 other SS and take notes. T tells SS to stick to their role-models and answer according to them. T distributes the WS with the target language and SS have to tick the phrases their partners use. When finished, SS gather in groups/pair and decide who the spy is. T then might change pairs/groups. T gathers the guesses.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

SS comment on each other performance: 3 positive things and 1 thing to work on in the future. T gives a short performance feedback to SS and makes a short delayed error correction.

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