meryemcolak meryemcolak

Gender Differences in Communication-November 20 Celta TP
Upper-Intermediate level


It's the second hour of a four-hour class and in the previous one students will have already dealt with the communication context through a reading text. In this lesson, gender differences in communication will be handled. Students will be given some statements in the lead-in about the common beliefs (or stereotypes) regarding how differently men and women communicate. They will be asked to show agreement/disagreement with these statements and to give reasons or justify their ideas. Then the lesson will continue with an audio in which two extracts take place from different conversations followed by some initial and detailed listening task. At the final step, students will be asked to personalise the topic by taking the ideas in the audio into consideration within some situations given to them.


Abc Language Leader UPP SB, U1.3, p. 10 ex. 2-3
Abc A Rope
Abc Post-Listening Discussion Topics
Abc Do you Agree Statements with Photos

Main Aims

  • To provide students with practice in listening for gist and details in the context of gender differences in communication.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with practice in speaking for fluency.


Lead-in/Pre-Listening (14-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students / To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Get the students to think about the question in the first exercise in pairs-then a short WCF Put a rope that will work as a line in the middle of the room. Onto the top of the board write “agree” on one side and ‘disagree’ on the other. Tell learners to stand up and look at the sentences in the slideshow - 5 statements about women and men communication in it with related photos. Read aloud the sentences as they change. After each sentence, they should choose whether they agree or disagree with the statement. The further away they are from the dividing line, the stronger they agree/disagree. If they are not sure, they can stay on the rope or stay closer to it. Once everyone makes their mind up, ask volunteer to explain why they agree/disagree. Others, especially undecided ones can change their places while listening to their classmates’ reasoning. Highlight the meaning of the words on the board "interrupt, rough, insensitive"-they will hear them in the listening part as well. Clarify the meaning of "show off" in addition to them before listening. (You act out like a person who shows off- My ring is diamond, my husband is very rich, I am driving a Mercedes etc.)

While-Listening #1 (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Explain students that they will listen to two extracts about men and women communicating. Set the task in ex. 2. Let pairs compare ideas before WCF.

While-/Listening #2 (13-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Ask students to read the questions in ex. 3. Play the audio. Make sure they check answers in pairs before WCF. Play the audio again if necessary. During feedback ask for justification and further questions to check comprehension further and to help students interact with the text.

Post-/Listening (8-9 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ask students if they agree with the ideas in the listening - Whole Class Conversation. Get students to personalise the topic with the questions in ex.3 by working in groups of 4-5. Monitor the discussions and make notes of common mistakes. Elicit some ideas in plenary and finish off with some error correction.

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