Derek Whitefield Derek Whitefield

Teaching Practice 4 (TP4)
Beginner level


In this lesson, we are going to learn and practice use of possessive forms in positive statements, negative ones, and in questions. We will also be talking about possessions (objects) and getting the class prepared to move into lessons concerning possessions in prepositional phrases


Abc students' personal items
Abc handout
Abc whiteboard/team designs

Main Aims

  • To learn and practice possessive form with objects, eliciting lots of possessive use out of students, getting them to respond in long answers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To build up a greater lexicon of vocabulary for students and help them to recognize that they can substitute new vocabulary words into the grammar format


Warm up-review (4-6 minutes) • To establish our base of knowledge with possessives

After "good morning"ing everyone and each other, I'll ask the students if they know everyone in the class. The answer will probably be a series of "yes", 'no", puzzled looks. So I'll tell the Ss that if they don't know someone, we'll stand up and meet that person, ask their name and ask the other standard questions that we've learned. I'll ask them what I want them to do and get them to repeat back to me. "What's your job?" "Where are you from?" "Where do you live?" "What's your nationality?" etc... Students will talk to other students again while I monitor to make sure they're doing everything correctly. Then I'll have them sit down. I'll ask them if you know the basic information about each person this time. Then I'll get one person to stand up. I'll motion to a person I want them to tell me about. I'll ask the S to give me full answers. I'll choose another student to ask the questions as he/she motions to other students that he/she wants information on. "What's his name?" "Where is he from?" etc...

Vocabulary builder (8-12 minutes) • To learn new vocabulary words from basic everyday objects and to try to spell words based on my pronunciation

I'll ask the students to take out 2 or 3 things that they have with them. These should be different things, maybe things that they don't know the name of. They will put these things on the table. I'll ask them basic comprehension questions about each one. "What's it for?" Ex. T: What's this? S: I don't know. T: It's a brush. Can you say that? S: Brush. T: Now can you spell that on the board? And the student goes up and tries to spell it. T: What's it for? S: For hair. T: Yes, that's great. This will help students hear some new words, verbs and make associations naturally with out studying them too much. We'll do this for most of the interesting items and then I'll give them a mini board quiz (they like quizzes) I'll put the key word(s) on the board, or maybe just say them, and, in teams they have to write the new vocabulary word. I'll do about ten of them and then we'll move on.

Statements, Negatives and Questions (8-12 minutes) • To help students understand the basic structure of positive statements, negatives, and questions and to be able to use them correctly and fluidly

I'll put three tables at the front of the class. Each table will have an object on it. One of them will belong to the student, one will not belong to the student and the last item I'm not sure of, so I have to ask. For example, Serhat comes in front of the class. We recognize Serhat's watch. It's on the table. I go over and pick it up and show it to Serhat "This is your watch." On the second table there is an object that I know doesn't belong to Serhat. It's a purse. "This isn't your purse." And then on the third table there is a wallet, but I don't know who it belongs too. So I'll ask "Is this your wallet?". Students will come up and practice in front of class. We'll do this a few times as lead-in to our game.

Guessing game (10-15 minutes) • To practice possesive use and have fun with what we've learned.

I'll ask for a volunteer to leave the room.The student leaves the room. While the student is out, I'll ask the students "who has a ______?" Three students who have that same item will come up and bring it and put it on the table. and then sit down in a row. The student will be brought back in and ask to guess whose is whose. The student will have to match each object by saying "This is _____'s watch." and guess the others correctly too. We'll do this a few times with different items: Watch, wallet, purse, pen, shoe (maybe) :)

Worksheet review of making questions and statements, using and/but (3-5 minutes) • To review to hammer home questions and answers for the basic questions they've learned up till now

Give everyone a handout of the worksheet and have then fill it out T: What do you do with this? S: Write the question. etc... Then I'll have them split into pairs and check their answer. This is to give a bit of written work to do, just becuz they love that kinda thing. AND, this is IF I feel we're good and on track time -wise....

Team Time! (8-10 minutes) • To get used to using possessives with favorite, paying attention to YOUR, OUR and THEIR (plural possessives).. and have more fun:)

I'll ask who likes football. I'll ask a few people to make the symbol for their favorite football team on the board in one of the rows. They will have to mingle with each other and ask each other "What's your favorite football team?" When they've asked everyone in the class. I'll ask one person to try to place people in the correct line in front of the board. Ex. T: Hasan, what is Oguz's favorite team? H: His favorite team is Besiktas. If he's correct, Oguz goes over to the Besiktas symbol. If not, he sits down and a different person tries to guess everyone's favorite team. The last person to guess everyone and put them in the correct place wins. If we have finished this, we'll do the same thing with ice cream, cars, etc... When the people are in a group. In front of the board, well ask "What's THEIR/YOUR favorite team?" We want to elicit responses like "Our favorite team is..." or "Their favorite team is ......" At the end of the game, I let everyone go saying "Hope you had fun!"

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