Maha Maha

Let's Eat!
Low Level Students level


In this lesson, students learn


Abc Let's Eat PowerPoint
Abc Picture Flash Cards of Vegetables and Fruits
Abc Let's Eat Worksheet 3
Abc Let's Eat Assignment Sheet
Abc Whiteboard & Markers
Abc Let's Eat Audio File
Abc Let's Eat Worksheet 1
Abc Let's Eat Worksheet 2
Abc Name Flash Cards of Vegetables and Fruits
Abc Let's Eat Audio File ~ Assignment

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, detailed, specific information and deduction listening practice using a text about healthy food in the context of ordering fruits and vegetables from a supermarket

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of Breakfast Drinks vocabulary
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a dialogue in the context of ordering food from a store
  • To provide students with a chance to write short dialogues in the context of ordering food on the phone


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I greet my students, and ask them how they are doing. Then, I tell my students that I like to call the supermarket on my way home, so that I can order food, so that it arrives by the time I reach home! That way, I can eat fresh fruits and vegetables before I start cooking. I am trying to eat healthy now! =) I ask students if they call the supermarket too. What kind of food items do they order, and I write their answers on the white board. Words I expect them to already know are breakfast related such as: milk, tea, coffee, bread, jam, honey.

Pre-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the audio and make it accessible

I show my students pictures of the four people who we will listen to. There is one female, an old guy, a young high school student and a slightly overweight man (he is actually a male model, I don't mean to disrespect anyone... all four are beautiful looking people). I ask them to guess what they might be ordering from the supermarket by handing out flashcards to the students with different food items (some will be in the recording, some won't). In order to do that, students must first match the flash cards pictures with right nouns! When they are done, they will call me and I can check if they matched them accurately and then they can start guessing what each person will buy. Students work in pairs matching the flash cards with the 4 pictures. After that we have a class discussion where we try to guess together who will order what, and place the class predictions on the board!

While-Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Students are asked first to listen to the audio with their pens down. Then, I hand out the 1st worksheet, give them a minute to read it and ask me any questions, then we listen to it once again to answer the sheet. The questions are not detailed, and merely scratch the surface of what the recording is about. Then, the 2nd worksheet is handed out, this one has detailed questions that students are used to answering from a listening exercise (writing names and telephone numbers). This is to give them confidence in their listening skills, and to give them a chance to listen to the recording again listening to all the new fruits and vegetables words! In pairs, students will then ask each other questions to double check their answers. Student One: What is her phone number? Student Two: 010 234 2349 I will be passing around, but from experience, I understand that this shall be quite an easy task. It's good speaking and listening practice to warm them up for later.

While-Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Students now are challenged with listening to the new words that we just matched to the fruits and vegetables. The words are still on the board, and by now, the students have listened to the recording 3 times, so they should hear the fruits and vegetables quite easily. We listen for the fourth and last time to the recording (unless the students need one more go at the listening)

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to expand on what they've learned

Now that the students have heard a dialogue between a fruit vendor and a customer, it is their time now to come up with their original dialogue. This time, the fruits and vegetables that were in the audio track are removed from the white board and students are encouraged to use the ones left on the board or even new ones! Students are also encouraged to think of their favourite dish, and what they might need; do they wish to add fruits to yogurt? do they wish to put fruits on a crêpe? After they write the dialogue in pairs, they will act it out in front of the class.

Assignment (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with extra listening practice in the comfort of their homes

Now students get to listen to the 4th person only speak to the vendor and they have to complete the assignment sheet. We will listen together to the 4th person in the beginning of our next class and answer the assignment sheet together, so students who did their task at home are more prepared and ready for our next class.

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