medine kandemir medine kandemir

TP 5a Headway Good & Bad Adjectives
Elementary level


In this lesson ss are going to practice the 'Adjectives for good and bad' through giving examples about Izmir. Next, with the help of the Listening Tracks, ss will focus on the pronunciation and intonation of the target vocabulary. Finally, T encourages them to continue several conversations by using the adjectives they learnt throughout the lesson.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of adjectives for good and bad in the context of the place they live in

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and inference listening practice on adjectives for good and bad in the context of the city they live in


Warmer/Lead-in (6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T projects two pictures about two different places she had been before and asks ss what they see. O/C share ideas. T encourages ss to use adjectives to describe the situation in the pictures and elicits adjectives for good and bad.T asks CCQs to elicit the meaning of the target vocabulary. Next, T pairs the ss and wants them discuss the good and bad things in Izmir through using the adjectives. O/C FB

Useful Language (6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T divides the class groups of three and gives the instructions.For each group,T hand-outs a chart for good and bad adjectives and ten paper-cuts with two different colours indicating the difference between them. T encourages ss to complete the chart with their group mates. T monitors and guides ss. When they finish, T projects the answer key and groups check their answers. Later, O/C drill the trickier adjectives.

Exposure (4 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T clarifies the stage and opens Track 4.10 and W/C drill the sentences and adjectives. T writes the sentences on the board and elicit the stress of the target adjectives. Ss may listen to the track for several times if needed.

Useful Language (9 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T explains the task and hand-outs the worksheet.T asks ICQs to check ss' understanding. Ss listen to Track 4.11 and match the nouns with the adjectives.( Ss may listen for a second time if needed) Ss do the exercise alone and check in pairs. When they finish, T opens the track again and stops after each conversation and elicits the correct answer from ss. O/C drill the adjectives and back-chain the sentences.

Productive Task(s) (7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T pairs ss and explains the task; T hand-outs two conversations for each pair and encourages ss to continue these conversations with their partners by using the adjectives for good and bad from the chart. T does the first one as an example.T monitors and takes notes. W/C FB

Delayed Feedback and Error Correction (5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T writes some sentences of the ss on the board, which she noted down during monitoring, and elicits the mistakes of the sentences from class. O/C Error Correction

Productive Task 2 (8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T asks ss to think of a place in their city and to describe it with using the adjectives in the chart. T models with an example. Ss work in pairs and take notes. O/C share ideas

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