mete mete

TP7 Grammar
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about can and can't for ability through guided listening and speaking exercises about language and hobbies. The lesson starts with a short verbal q/a about which languages students can speak. Necessary grammar and pronunciation will be introduced and will be followed by listening and speaking exercises. The lesson will end with a discussion about what can people do that computers can't do.


Abc Matching Exercise
Abc What Can Computers Do?
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Complete the Chart

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of can and can't for ability in the context of language and hobbies

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about can and can't for ability in the context of language and hobbies
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of things we can do


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Before class: Write French, Spanish, German, English, Italian on the WB. Also, provide a sample sentence: They speak French in France and also in Canada. Ask 'where do people speak these languages'? Do the sample sentence. Instructions: Talk to your partner. 2 mins. Which languages can you speak? Answer: I can speak Turkish, English, and a little bit of Spanish. Ask students.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Match the sentences and pictures. Work alone. 5 minutes Do the first matching question with the class. Go over the answers with the class. Have the students read the sentence and give the answer. This exercise is designed to help students understand the meaning of can/can't in a fun context. Ask if they have any questions. If they don't understand the meaning give an example with do and can. Do you Swim? Yes, I swim during the summer. Can you swim? Yes, I can. ( I know how to swim). We use can for general abilities.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Form + Structure* Write I can speak English on the board. Say all persons of can/can't. I can speak, you can, she can... I can't... What do you notice? Same form for all persons. She cans is wrong. What type of word is can? Modal Verb. We have to use them with another verb (Show can and speak). Ask for forms and write them on the board: I (subject) + can (modal verb) + speak (main verb) + English (object). Question form: Can (MV) + you (subject) + speak (main verb) + English (object) What tense is it? Present tense*. Past tense of can is... could. She could already speak English when she was 6. Ccqs: Do you can swim? Is this correct? NO. She doesn't can swim. Is this sentence correct? NO. We don't use do before can/can't. Pronunciation + Stress Formation Weak form: Repeat after me: I can /kən/ speak English. Backchain. Can /kən/ you speak English? Backchain. Strong form: Repeat after me: Yes, I can /kæn/. No, I can't /kænt/ Stress formation: We can swim, She can't cook. Mark the stress on the sentences and have the students say the sentences. Ccq: I will hum we can swim and she can't cook with appropriate stress formations and ask the students if the sentence is negative or possitive. Listen and repeat (LE 6.2) focus on stress patterns. ask if there are any questions.

Controlled Listening Practice, Gap-fill handout (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Listening Exercise 6.3. Instructions: Listen and complete the sentences. Play the script twice if necessary and have the students read the full sentences. Correct stress formations as needed. The t- sound in the second sentence is difficult to pick up. "I can't dance". There is almost an elision with the t sound if the next word begins with a t or a d. I will go over this after the exercise by stressing the importance of stress formations in the sentence. If can is positive in the sentence, we stress the main verb and the object. If it is negative, we stress can't and the object. If it's yes or no answer we stress can in both instances.

Semi-Controlled Practice (12-15 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Instructions: Listen to Tina and complete the chart. Work alone Icq: Are you going to complete you or your partner? NO Play the script a second time and ask to complete the chart about you and your partner. 10 minutes. Work in pairs. Monitor to check comprehension. There are sample questions on the worksheet that students can use to get information from their partner. Tell the class about your partner. Selami can ski, but I can't. We can both drive a car. 5 minutes. Make corrections without discouraging students.

Free Speaking Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

What can or can't computers do? Look at the sheet and talk to your partner. I will do the first word on the worksheet. Translate: They can translate but they can't laugh. Do all of them. You have 7 minutes. Monitor. What can people do that computers can't do? We can feel but they can't. 5 Minutes. Work with your partner.

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