Seosamh Mac Giolla Phadraig Seosamh Mac Giolla Phadraig

Review and Practice of Simple Present
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will review and practice the simple present in the context of describing a date, friend or family member.


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Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with clarification, review and practice of simple present in the context of describing a date, friend or family member

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss practice of adjectives to describe appearance and personality.
  • To give Ss practice in speaking for fluency.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Warmer will link to previous lesson and add new lexis on physical appearances and personal characteristics. Project the 'My Dating Profile' on the w/b. (H/O 1). Tell Ss they should fill in this profile with their own information. Elicit sentences that Ss could write for each category. T gives out H/O 1. Ss fill out the profile. Teacher gathers the complete 'My Profiles' and redistributes them to other Sts. T places Ss in pairs and each partner must describe the profile. T gathers up the profiles again and calls random Sts forward to read out the profile. Whole class must guess who the 'My Profile' belongs to.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Task 3A is projected on the w/b and Sts are grouped together to discuss what the missing words should be. (PPT Slide 1) T calls a S from each group forward to fill out a missing word. Group discusses the answers. T confirms the answers (PPT Slide 2)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T projects 3b questions on the w/b as a guided discovery and Ss should answer the questions in pairs. (PPT Slide 3) T calls individual Ss to the board to write the answer. T projects the correct answers. (PPT Slide 4) T projects PPT slides on the w/b that clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language (TL). T explains basic verbs, highlight the he/she/it form.(PPT Slides 5-17) T then asks random Ss to conjugate projected verb tables for the verbs 'to Fight', 'to Watch' and 'to Love'. (PPT Slides 18-20) T projects the the positive, interrogative and negative forms of the verb 'to Be'. (PPT Slide 21-25) T then contrasts this verb against most others that have a different auxiliary verb 'to Do' in the negative form. T drills the Pronunciation of the Positive, Negative and Question forms as he goes through each slide. T introduces Exercise 5 on Pronunciation which is the final -s / -es (PPT Slide 26) T drills the sounds chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To check Ss' understanding of meaning & form.

Use grammar ex d to make a link to the practice in ex e (p100 & 106) T projects example Slide on board and Sts in pairs form the questions. (PPT Slides 27 & 28) T gives out H/O 2 and explains the information gap activity. T instructs pairs to do 1B first. T monitors the pair work. Class feedback on the activity Pairs work on 1A with their partners.

Semi-Controlled Practice and Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and facilitate freer practice

T distributes cut outs from page 210 of the TsBk U1B (Hand Out 2). Each cut out has the context words of a sentence but is missing the grammar words. Each student has a cut out and they need to make a grammatically correct question with it. They ask their partner their question and their partner gives a freer practice response. T monitors the pair activity checking for errors that can be used for the Delayed Correction stage.

Delayed Correction (3-4 minutes) • To provide group feedback on the Controlled Practice/Free Practice stage

T gets sample questions from Sts and writes them on the board. GW is for the class to analyse the questions for grammatical errors.

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