Zahra Zahra

A bad hair day
A1 level


In this lesson, learners focus on receptive skills of reading and sub skills of gist and detailed reading and the out put of the class will be productive skill of speaking. the class starts with a speaking task in which students should talk about the pictures in the book that are showing two women in the hair salon.This is followed by pre-teaching necessary lexis from the text.Then students will go through gist reading in which they should skim the text and answer a general question and after that they should scan and answer detailed questions, then after reading I will work on new vocabularies.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about a bad hair day

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of lexis related to hair
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson will start by a speaking task in which students should talk about the pictures in their book that are showing two women in a hair salon, I will give them one minute to think about the picture then I will ask them to describe the pictures and make a short story for the(ICQs: what should we do?( think about the pictures to describe), how much time do we have to think?(one minute), she we do it in pairs or whole class?(whole class), { if needed and I see students talking to each other I'll ask 'should we talk to each other?(no).'}. Then I will ask one or two students to describe the pictures, since the aim is fluency I won't stop students for minor errors.

Pre-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I will pre-teach 3 words from the text (words:hairstylist, customer, don't worry). I will write the words with their phonetic and function on one side of the board and on the other side I will write the definitions then I'll ask them to read them for one minute and try to find the meaning of the words (ICQs: should we use our dictionary? (no), should we talk to each other? (no), how much time do we have?(one minute).) then I will check their answers, after clarifying the meaning and working on the form of the vocabularies we will have choral repetition drill and I will take students' attention to the phonetics, if needed and I see some students have pronunciation problem I will ask them to repeat individually. I will ask students to write them in their notebook for three minutes (ICQs:how much time do we have?(three minutes), should we write all of them?(yes), { if needed and I see students talking to each other while they are writing I will ask them 'should we talk to each other?(no).'}. students might have problem with the usage of don't worry so I will clarify if by telling a situation and CCQs,[ for example my friend is sad {they might not know the meaning of sad so I will draw a sad emoji on the board} and I don't want her to be sad so I tell her Don't worry It will be OK CCQs: Is my friend happy?(no), do I want my friend to be happy?(yes) and then tell a short definition again { I don't want my friend to be sad so I tell her don't worry}.). also they might have problem with hairstylist and may confuse it with beautician so I will explain that the hair stylist just do things related to the hair but beautician puts on make up too {showing the make up by TPR so they understand what does it mean}.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I will ask students to skim the text for two minutes and put numbers for the pictures based on the order that they happened in the text {I will review how they should skim a text by ICQs because they might have forgotten.} (ICQs: should we read the text carefully and sentence by sentence?(no), how much time do we have?(two minutes), should we do it in pairs or alone?(alone), what should we do?(put numbers for pictures),{if needed and I see them talking to each other I'll ask: should we talk?(no)}.) After that I will ask them to check their answers in pairs and I will monitor them then I'll ask who do you think is ready to answer? I need one student to share her answer with the whole class.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

For scanning the text there is a part below the reading in the book in which students should read the text and put the words in the blanks so I will ask them to fill in the blanks with the words for three minutes(ICQs: what should we do?(fill in the blanks), how much time do we have?(three minutes), should we do it alone or in pairs?( alone), should we check our dictionary?(no).) Then I will ask them to check their answers in pairs and I will monitor them, at the end I will ask one student to read the text and say the answers and if there was an wrong answer we will correct it with saying the reason.

Post-Reading/Listening (6-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I will teach 4 new vocabularies (words: barber, beautician, hair salon ,scisseors) I will write the words with their phonetic and function on one side of the board and their meanings on the otherside then I will ask them to try to find their meanings (ICQs: should we use our dictionary? (no), should we talk to each other? (no), how much time do we have?(one minute).) then I will check their answers, after clarifying the meaning and working on the form of the lexis we will have choral repetition drill and I'll get students' attention to the phonetics, if needed and I see some students have pronunciation problem I will ask them to repeat individually. I will ask students to write them in their notebook for four minutes (ICQs: should we write all of them?(yes), how much time do we have?(four minutes), { if needed and I see students talking to each other while writing I'll ask 'should we talk to each other?(no).'}. students might use barber and hair stylist instead of each other so I will explain that baber is just for men.

production (5-6 minutes) • to provide the chance of using what they have learned

As the out put of the class students will go through a speaking task in the book in which they should put the correct verb next to the words in two minutes and then tell their answers to a partner (ICQs: what should we do?(put the verbs next to the words), should we check our dictionary?(no), should we do it alone?(yes), how much time do we have ?(two minutes) after they check the answers with their partner one student will read the correct answers and at the end they should ask and answer some questions with the verbs.

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