Demet Ozuturk Demet Ozuturk

CELTA TP 6 Oct 16
Intermediate Level level


Abc Name Tags

Main Aims

  • • To provide clarification and contrast of the past perfect and past simple tense in the context of “twists of fate”.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide detailed listening practice using a text. • To provide speaking practice using the past perfect and past simple in the context of stories.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

• Teacher will share examples of different genres of stories, i.e. crime, romance, mystery, science fiction, etc. • Teacher will then provide a handout for students to fill in with their own examples for each genre of story. Students to write in whether the story is Fictional (F) or True (T) or Both (B). Teacher will ask students to work in pairs and compare their answers. • Teacher to elicit responses from students.  Which type of stories do you usually like? Students to give examples.

Guided Discovery (5-8 minutes) • To enable Ss to discover corresponding answers after reading the story.

• Teacher will provide the story text copy of “A Twist of Fate” to the students. • Students to complete individually then check answers in pairs. • Teacher to allot 5 minutes for this exercise. • Monitor Ss and check for early finishers. • Nominate Ss to write answers on WB. • Then discuss answers with the group. • Read the article and answer the questions. 1. Where did Tamara and Adriana first meet? They first met at a local McDonalds. 2. Why was their first meeting shocking? Their first meeting was shocking because they looked like each other. 3. Who first realized that they were sisters and when? Justin Lattore, a friend of Adriana’s realized they were sisters when he went to Tamara’s twentieth birthday party. 4. Say three things that the girls had in common when they met? They had the same mannerisms, the same interests, and the same grades at school. 5. What kind of relationship do they have now? They are close, but they are more like friends now.

Guided Discovery (8-10 minutes) • To enable Ss to complete the story with corresponding texts (fill in the blanks) and confrm their responses after listening to the audio script.

• Teacher will provide the story text copy of “A Twist of Fate” to the students. • Students to complete individually the fill in the blanks with the corresponding answers. • Students to check answers in pairs. • Teacher to allot 5 minutes for this exercise. • Monitor Ss and check for early finishers. • Teacher to provide corrected script copies on the walls for students to check their answers. • Then discuss answers with the group. • Complete the story with the information below. Then listen to audio script recording 6.1. Listen and check.

Fluency speaking (5-8 minutes) • To review and discuss the topic of the story “A twist of Fate” allowing for freer dialogue/fluency speaking

• Teacher to ask students to work in pairs discussing the following questions: • Why do you think the article is called “A twist of fate”?  It’s called a twist of fate because the sisters would have never met if it hadn’t been for the chance meeting of Austin Lattore, Adriana’s friend and her sister, Tamara. The sisters were students at neighboring universities in Long Island, New York but had grown up apart in adoptive families. • Do you think their story is a sad or a happy one? In what ways?  I think it is a happy one in that they finally met each other and now have an opportunity to build their relationship as sisters.  It is an unhappy one in that they didn’t get a chance to grow up together so they missed being with each other during childhood.  • Teacher to allot 5 minutes for this exercise. • Teacher to elicit responses from students and discuss with the group.

Grammar Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL

• Teacher to tell students to take notes so they can remember. ll Ss to take notes so they can remember. Elicit from students the use of this tense (Past perfect talks about completed actions in the past that happened before other actions in past) • Teacher to write on the board the following example. “I had already eaten my dinner when he called.” Ask CCQs: Is it used to talk about the future? No Is it used to talk about something happening now? No Is it used to talk about the past? Yes Is it used to talk about just one event? No How many? Two or more Did these events occur at the same time? No Did one event happen before the others? Yes How many events happened in this sentence? Two Can you break the sentence into two events? I ate dinner. He called. Write timeline under example sentence. Nominate Ss to complete the timeline. Which event happened first? ate dinner he called ______x______x___________________________________ Past Now Future Ask Ss to highlight the verb form in the example sentence: (had/hadn't + past participle) had + eaten Ask Ss, what would be the negative form of this verb? (hadn't eaten - Example: I hadn’t already eaten my dinner when he called). Use example sentences to model pronunciation for Ss. 1. She won the lottery with the ticket she had bought in the market. 2. If she hadn't bought the ticket, she wouldn't have won the lottery. Ask about the intonation. Where does the sentence rise and fall? Show intonation and stress points on sentence. Drill pronunciation of example sentence, plus add negative form.

Semi Controlled Practice of TL (6-8 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practice of the target language utilizing a fill in the gap exercise

• Teacher reiterates that we use Simple Past if we give past events in the order in which they occurred. However, when we look back from a certain time in the past to tell what had happened before, we use Past Perfect. • Do you just want to tell what happened some time in the past or do you want to tell what had happened before/up to a certain time in the past?  Simple past some time in the past Example: Jane got up at seven. She opened her birthday presents and then the whole family went to the zoo.  Past perfect before/up to a certain time in the past Example: Before her sixth birthday, Jane had never been to the zoo. • Teacher to provide activity for students to work individually and check in pairs. Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect simple). 1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) . 2. He (not / be) to Cape Town before 1997. 3. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework. 4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) . 5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) six weeks before. 6. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) . 7. I could not remember the poem we (learn) the week before. 8. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) from the tree. 9. (he / phone) Angie before he went to see her in London? 10. She (not / ride) a horse before that day. • Teacher to provide copies of the answers on the wall and ask students to check their answers.

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