Özlem Büyüktosun Özlem Büyüktosun


Abc Listening audio,gap filling exercises,grammar presentation card,visuals of jobs,puzzle cards
Abc Source for course book: Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C. & Seligson, P. (2012) English File Elem 3rd E

Main Aims

  • To teach the students 'Do' and 'does' phrases and question forms of Present Simple Tense.
  • To provide practice of language used for asking questions with 'do' and 'does' ,making statements,getting to identify the Simple Present tense 'do' and 'does'in a context. in the context of jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice fluency and accuracy in speaking the target language about jobs.
  • To provide clarification of language used for Conversation in the class and pair works in the context of jobs


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and talk about the jobs and do listening handout

In a leading section the teacher talks about the common jobs. Give students some vocabulary with the common jobs. Give th dialoque 2.10 and 2.11 as an exercise.

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher give the handout of page 22 to the students and make them quess the answers of the questions. The teacher plays the audio in 2.13 in the class. The teacher asks the students to check the answers if they are right or wrong.

Highlighting (5-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Focus on the pronounciation of 'do' and 'does' in the sentence. Ask the students questions about the activities during the week. 'Do you play quitar at the weekend?' 'Do you swim in the sea?' 'Does your child takes maths lesson ?'

Clarification (5-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

In order to clarify the meaning of the languageand to focus on the function of the words. The teacher writes sentences about herself on the board for students to differ 'work' and 'job'. Example: I am ateacher. I work in Güzeloluk Anatolian High School in Antalya. I work more than 30 hours in a week. I like my job.

Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher gives the class the grammar card on the Simple Present Tense with 'do' and 'does' The teacher focus on the function first .She wants students to produce the language in pairs. Elicit the sentences they make in the class. The question forms, the positive and negative sentences. She gives importance on the third singular usage of '-S' in the sentences. She gives a handout to the class about the usage of Simple Present with 'do/does' statements.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The teacher writes the jobs and let the students which article comes to them. Example: a teacher , a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer, a taxi driver. The teacher gives the page 54 to the students and play with them the 'guess Who ....' activity.

Free Practice (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher gives the students some puzzled cards and want them to make sentences out of the cards. They produce the sentences and the teacher writes them on the board and if it is wrong the teacher correted the sentences. The tearcher wants them to do pair work .

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