Enjy Fayek Enjy Fayek

Unit 2-session A
Elementary A2 level


In this session, students will practice their reading skill. They will also learn/revise the present simple tense: positive and negative. Also learning how to form present simple questions and how to answer in short form.


Abc lesson audios
Abc Music from YouTube.
Abc Pictures on the projector.
Abc Powerpoint presentation
Abc SB

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about She doesn't stop for hours!, and Do yo worry about exams? in the context of ice road truckers and drivers, and Exam stress.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present simple tense: positive and negative in the context of ice road truckers and exams stress.


Warmer/Lead-in (6-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As for the lesson A, showing pictures of different jobs, such as: nurse, police officer, cleaner, etc. In this way I test their knowledge of the upcoming vocab. and giving them the idea that we're going to talk about a specific job today which is the truck driver. As for lesson B, show them a short video about students stressing and studying before exams. Give some students pieces of paper with questions written on the back of it, to ask the class after the video ends. For example, do you relate with this video? how do you react in the finals season?, how do you prepare for the tests?, what do you do to keep calm? etc.

Pre-Reading (5-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

To let the students form a main idea about the text, they will answer question 1-a. For lesson B, I will ask the students to find out what's the problem MIMI23 is facing with his studying process?

While-Reading #1 (20-25 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist information reading tasks- then more detailed reading tasks.

In lesson A, I will ask students to answer 1-b which is a quick reading to check their ideas in 1-a. After this they will answer 1-c which is a scamming activity to go through in a fast pace. Then T-S feedback. Finally, they will answer 1-d, which is reading for detail, to find more specific information. They will check the answers in pairs. After this from the projector. The second step of this lesson is responding to the text they just read, by some matching and pronunciation activities in questions 2-a and 2-b.

While-Reading #2 (20-25 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist information reading tasks- then more detailed reading tasks- post reading to expand what they learnt.

The first question they are going to answer is 1-b. Then 1-c, which are a more detailed tasks. They will respond to the text with questions 2-a, 2-b, and 2-c. They are matching and a guided speaking activity. Questions 4-a and 4-b to tell the time. Check the answers is pairs, group, and on the projector.

Grammar of lessons A and B. (30-35 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text's grammar.

For lesson A, I will start this part with a short online quiz about the present to test their knowledge of the present simple tense in its positive and negative forms. After each question is answered I will ask for a correction to the wrong answers, and discuss them together. As a way of TTT. The next step is eliciting the form on the board, and drilling the pronunciation from the board. Then I will ask them to answer the questions 3-a, 3-b, 3-d, 3-e, and 3-g. For lesson B, I will tell them that now we'll learn how to form present simple questions, and I will play the audio for question 5-a, then ask them to answer 5-b. After that 5-d. I elicit the rule from students and write it on the board, then I drill the pronunciation. The last thing is asking the students to answer 5-f and 5-g.

A follow up • to fill in the time gap and also provide the students with linguistic value

It's going to be either going through the assignment which was the Unit 1 review. Checking the answers as group. Also answering any inquiries and questions they had about the unit. It could be another quick online quiz since they seem to like it very much and it motivates them, about what we have learnt today in this class, all the way from vocab. to grammar, and a revision on we had last unit.

A follow up (10-15 minutes) • to fill in the time gap and also provide the students with linguistic value.

It's going to be either going through the assignment which was the Unit 1 review. Checking the answers as group. Also answering any inquiries and questions they had about the unit. It could be another quick online quiz since they seem to like it very much and it motivates them, about what we have learnt today in this class, all the way from vocab. to grammar, and a revision on we had last unit.

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