Demet Ozuturk Demet Ozuturk

Elementary, A1 Level level


In thıs lesson, students wıll be ıntroduced to talkıng about past events and important events in their lives. Students wıll also dıscuss good and bad experiences. The lesson wıll begın wıth pictures of past events as well as my account of a past event. Then students wıll lısten to a scrıpt and provıde feedback. Students wıll also become famılıar wıth expressions about good and bad experiences. Students wıll be gıven examples of when events happened; drilling the use of keywords: when, where, what, and how and eliciting responses from students. The lesson wıll end wıth keyword "have" and students will practıce fluency dıscussıng in pairs.


Abc Flash Cards
Abc Name Tags

Main Aims

  • • To provıde students fluency speaking practice discussion in the context of past events and important events in their lives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provıde students fluency speakıng practıce with the keyword “have” and to be able to use “have” in a range of common expressions. Core language: have for possessions, have for activities, have for food and drink and have for relationships.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage the students.

• Teacher will show visuals/examples to students of historic past events. Teacher to elicit from students other examples of historic past events. We will also talk about other past events in our lives, for example When you got married = I got married in 1998 When you got a new job = I got a new job in 2013 When you moved house = I moved to my house in 2003 When you started school= I started Celta on September 2018 When you went on a trip= I went to England in March 2018 • Teacher wıll play the audıo CD recordıng 1.53 and ask students to lısten and circle the right words in the script 1. Onyinye moved when she was five. 2. She says everything was different. 3. She remembers the first time she saw snow. 4. She enjoyed playing in the snow. • Teacher will ask students to work individually and check their responses in pairs.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To ıntroduce expressions about good and bad experiences.

Teacher wıll provıde examples on the whıte board and will provide cut-out example grid to students. It was really It was very exciting boring Interesting strange difficult I had *past tense of have a great time a lovely time lots of fun a very bad time a terrible time Teacher will elude to the keyword “have” which we will see later in the lesson. Teacher wıll provide personal examples to share with the students. • It was really exciting to take this class. • I had a great time visiting friends in Kas. • It was strange to see old friends. • It was boring to ride the bus. Teacher will elicit feedback from the students to describe which are examples of good experiences and which are examples of bad experiences. Teacher will ask students to work in pairs and come up with sentences using the above phrases and examples of other expressions used to describe good and bad experiences, for example I had a horrible time… or It was wonderful… Teacher to ask students to check in pairs and select feedback from students to share with the class.

Written Task (8-10 minutes) • To have the students write down one or two important events using the language/expressions introduced in the lesson.

Teacher wıll provıde personal visuals of important events. Teacher will answer the following questions about each event: • When did it happen? • Where did it happen? • What happened? • How was it? First visual/example: • When I first came to Turkey in 1974. • I was in Beykoz, Istanbul at my grandparents’ house. • I met my father’s entire family. • It was exciting and lots of fun. Second visual/example: • When I got my Turkish citizenship in 1992. • It happened in Beykoz, Istanbul. • I became a Turkish citizen. • It was very exciting. Third visual/example: • When I returned to USA in 1994. • I was in San Diego, California. • I saw my brothers after a long time. • It was a great time. Teacher will ask students to write down one or two important events in their lives. Teacher will partner up the students in pairs and have the partner ask the following questions: • When did it happen? • Where did it happen? • What happened? • How was it? Teacher will then ask the pair to swap tasks and the other partner will ask the questions. Teacher to elicit feedback from students what they learned from their partners.

Grouping Task (6-8 minutes) • Keyword “have” Learners will add phrases to the four lists utilizing the word “have” in the context of possession, activies, food and drink and relationships.

Teacher wıll focus on the Keyword “have”. Teacher will ask the students to add phrases to the four lists utilizing the word “have” in the context of possession, activities, food and drink and relationships. Teacher to do a few examples together, then provide cut-outs for the students to complete individually. Teacher will then ask students to check in pairs and elicit responses from students. Possessions Activities Food and Drink Relationships have a new car have a party have dinner have breakfast have a big family have a cat have a digital camera have a nice flat have a bath have a break have a shower have a meeting have a lesson have a conversation have lunch have a meal have something to eat have a sandwich have a drink have a coffee have two brothers have a lot of friends Check that learners understand have a break = stop work for a short time. Teacher will tie in the past tense of have is had which we saw earlier in the lesson. Example: I had a great time visiting friends in Kas.

Speaking Fluency Practice (8-10 minutes) • To have students practice fluency speaking by doing a class survey.

Teacher to read through the 6 items and ask learners what questions they could ask to find out the information. For example: • Do you have a big family? How many brothers and sisters do you Have? • What time do you have breakfast? • Do you have breakfast after 10 in the morning? • Do you have a cat? • Did you have a conversation online? • Do you sometimes have a lunch break? • Do you often have long meetings at work? Teacher to ask students to work in groups and give each learner two or three questions to ask. They move freely around the class, asking their questions. When they find a person who answers Yes, they write down their name. 1. has a big family. 2. has breakfast after 10 in the morning. 3. had a conversation online yesterday. 4. sometimes doesn’t have a lunch break. 5. has a cat. 6. often has long meetings at work. Teacher to elicit responses from the students and share their findings.

Speaking Fluency Practice (6-8 minutes) • To have students continue fluency speaking practice talking in pairs.

Teacher to ask students to talk in pairs. When was the last time you had: 1. A bad morning 2. A long journey? 3. A great night out? 4. A terrible weekend? 5. A nice meal in a restaurant? Teacher to ask students to work in pairs answering these questions and answering Why? And what happened? Teacher to elicit responses from students and share their stories.

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