Aslı Aslı

A1+ (Elementary) level


The context of the lesson is based on food .In this session students will listen and test their understanding of listening through guessing and checking if their guess is correct after they listen and completing a chart. They also review and learn some vocabulary items related with food. The lesson starts with a discussion question. This is followed by vocabaulary practice where Ss post the names of the food on the correct picture on the wall. It's followed bya speaking task to be able to get them to personalize the topic and to prepare Ss for the listening task and after Ss practice listening, and finally there is a production activity where Ss as a group create a perfect breakfast for their own country.


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Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with practice in listenning for gist and detail in the context of food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of the vocabularies about food in the context of breakfast around the world
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of a perfect breakfast


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T- show a picture and ask Ss what it is and ask three discussion questions

Pre-Listening (12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text, make it accessible to get Ss to personalize the topic

T- shows the pictures on the wall and ask them which they know. Ss have a look for a minuteand T- distribute slips of paper (the names of the food on it) randomly and ask them to post those named under the correct pictures. Then, they look at the wall and T- ask them if all these are correct or if there are some words that are under the wrong picture. Then, T post the title "food" on the left side of the board on the wall and " drink" on the right side of the board and ask Ss post the drinks under the "drink" part. Then T-show some pictures to check the meaning of some the words with which Ss may have difficulty in understanding. Then T models some of the words which are genereally mispronunced by english learners and show the stress. After that, T-hands out and activity HO1. T hands out workseet A to one half of the class and B to the other half. Give them time to complete the wuestions . T-pair of Ss A and B and explain the activity. each Ss share his/her list with the other student and elicit ideas from their partners.If there is enough time, T ask for any interesting information that Ss learnt.

While-Listening #1 (7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening tasks

T-show a picture and elicit their jobs and what they are talking about.T gives HO2 and Ss work in pairs and make a list of what people in Japan, French and Turkey have for breakfast. T-tell SS that they will listen to a chef and an asisstant and they want to make a typical breakfast for Japanese, French and Turkis people. Ask Ss to listen and tick the food and drink on their list that chef talk about.

While-Listening #2 (10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

T- plays the recording again and ask Ss to add any missing food/drink. When they finish Ss are asked to check with their pairs and one by one they stand up write the answers on the board and T shows the anser key and whole class feedback is given. T-ask Ss to choose the breakfast they want to eat and discuss it with their partners by giving reasons. T- get Ss to look at the tape scrit and elicit "have" is usually used in this context instead of eat or drink.

Post-Reading/Listening (13 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T- groups the Ss and tell Group A that they are from Cheeseland, B is from Breadland and C is from Egland. Firstly, each group creates a perfect breakfast by asnwering the questions on HO3. Then T-regroup them, now each group has a member from a different country and each Ss explain about their perfect breakfast and finall T-ask them to choose the best breakfast in their group.

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