Adverbs of Frequency
Elementary level


In this lesson, ss learn adverbs of frequency and practice through reading, speaking. The lesson starts with my weekly routine to warm-up ss for following parts and to set a context. After I elicit the meaning of frequency adverbs through my routine we focus on the reading text. The sub-skills are initial reading and detailed reading. Then the teacher highlights the form and asks students to write personalized sentences by using TL.


Abc Gap fill HO
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide initial and detailed reading practice to understand a text.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice on adverbs of frequency


Warmer/Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T sets a context through her weekly routine to elicit the meaning of adverbs of frequency in the following stage. She shows Ss a weekly routine and asks students to guess what time she does these activities. Ss talk in pairs and tries to guess. Then she tells them what activities she does every week and what days she does these activities. Ss put the activities under the days so that they can have a visual clue to place the adverbs in the right places on the cline.

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Teacher elicits the meaning through context and pairs students to talk to each other about where to put the adverbs on the cline with percentages. This is crucial to understand the text in the detailed reading stage. Then Ss give their answers and the teacher clarifies the meaning. She also helps students to guess the meaning of "early bird and night owl" which are on the title of the text.

Initial Reading (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading task

Teacher extracts questions of the questionnaire and shows them on the WB. She tells students that they will have HOs with options and try to match the questions with options. She gives HOs and pair or group students to make guesses. Ss peer check and give the answers. Teacher asks students to justify their reason shortly. Then, Teacher gives feedback

While-Reading/Detailed Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, and inference reading

The teacher tells students to read the questions and answer them individually and tells them that there are no right answers. She gives them 3-4 minutes to finish reading. Then she shows them the point chart to calculate their score and find out if they are "early bird" or "night owl". Teacher gives feedback.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Through the text, students understand the use and meaning of adverbs of frequency. The teacher chooses a few sentences from the text show them on the board and elicit the form. Then she highlights the form. Ex5 gives students an opportunity to practice writing sentences about themselves by using TL. Teacher gives students to look at the sentences on ex5 and change the sentences by adding adverbs. Then she tells students to read their sentences to their pair and circle the number of sentences if they gave the same answer. Then she asks the students if they found anything in common and what are they. If there is more time, the teacher might give them some time to write 2 truth 1 lie by using TL and reading them to their group members to make them guess. If time she gives feedback again.

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