Melda Işıkyıldız Melda Işıkyıldız

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn vocabulary about neighbours. First they will look at two photos, one arguing neighbours and firendly neighbours. They will try to guess what they are talking about. Later they will learn the vocabulary related to neighbours. Lastly, each of them will get a card about their neighbours and start to complain about them to their partners using new words.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of words related to neighbours in the context of neighbours

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a roleplay in the context of neighbours


Lead in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Have two pictures of different kind of neighbours. In the pictures, the first neighbours should be arguing and the second neighbours should be friendly. Project them. Ask students who these people are. Try to elicit the answer "neighbour". "Who are these people? Neighbours. What are they doing in the first picture? Arguing. What about the second one? Talking in a friendly way." Ask ss to guess what they are talking or arguing about. SS talk with their partner. Monitor. Feedback- Ask two ss about what they think.

Presenting The Vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • to see which vocabulary ss already know.

Rewrite the exercise 2A on the page 92. Ask ss that they have to match the words with the opposite meanings. They have 4 minutes. ICQ- Are you going to match the same meaning or the opposite? Opposite. Students work individually. Monitor Students pair check. Monitor. Feedback- Give the answer key move on to MFP & CCQ

Presenting Vocabulary- Form & Pron (10-15 minutes) • to clarify the meaning, form and pron of the words.

Project each word on the board with the phonemic script. Things to ask for each one: "How many syllables? Where is the stress (hold fingers)?" Drill for each one. Ask CCQ for each one. CCQs: get on well with: If I get on well with you, do we like or dislike each other? Like. Who do you get on well with? mind my own business: If you mind your own business, do you ask personal questions to me? No. If I say "mind your own business!", do i want you to ask me private questions? No. Is it a rude way to say it? Yes. invite someone over: If I invite you over, are you coming to my house or my school? House. nuisance: If someone is a nuisance, do you like them? No. Are you annoyed by them? Yes. Is there anyone you know is a nuisance? get to know: If I'm getting to know you, are we close friends? No. Do I want to become friends with you if I want to get to know you? Yes. What can you ask someone if you want to get to know them? disturb: If you're disturbing me, am i happy or angry about it? Angry. I'm disturbed, can i continue what i am doing? No. gets on my nerves: If someone gets on my nerves, do I like it or am i annoyed? Annoyed. What gets on your nerves? make friends with: Were we friends before? No. Are we friens now? Yes. Is it something new or old? New. keep myself to myself: Do I like being alone or with other people? Alone. nosy: Does a nosy person like to ask private questions? Name me a nosy person you know. Why?

Freer Practice- Roleplay (10-15 minutes) • To get students to speak fluently about the context.

Download neighbour problem rolepay from There are eight cards. Tell ss that each of them will get a card. In the cards, they are going to read some information about their neighbours. After they read it, they will have to talk to their neighbours about the problem they're having. Remind them to use the new words. Group them differently. Grouping ideas: violin, chello, guitar, piano. Monitor. Take notes about the language use. Feedback- Ask one student what their problem was. Error Correction- Write the things on the board. Ask them what is wrong with the sentences.

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