Zahra Zahra

reading and grammar
A2-B1 level


In this lesson, students learn about the verbs for expressing movement via a situation and then go through a reading by the name of "Bad losers". The lesson starts with presenting the grammar and there is some controlled practice, also there will be pre-teaching the new lexis of the text.


Abc picture
Abc paper slips

Main Aims

  • To provide scan, gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Bad losers in the context of soprts

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of verbs related to expressing movement in the context of sports


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The class starts with showing some pictures to students (the pictures show the bad reactions of the players in different sports toward their opponent or coach.). they will be stuck on the board and I will write the question "What do you think about these bad losers reaction? Are you a bad loser too?" (ICQ: should we just answer the questions?, should we talk Farsi?) then I will ask students to talk about the pictures and answer the questions in pairs, I will also monitor them while they are speaking, when they finished I will ask each pair a question to share their ideas with other students. I will present the grammar via a situation so I need to stick some pictures on the board (pictures show the phrasal verbs that students will learn today:throw the ball through a ring,kick the ball into a goal,hit the ball over a net,run around. I will write the words with blanks and I will ask students to guess the words.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I will pre-teach 5 words from the text, First I will ask them to match the words with pictures (ICQ: should we talk to each other?,should we check our answers?). when they finished I will ask them to check their answers in pairs and then we will check it together. After that I will clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation I will also ask students to focus on the phonetics when we are having repetition drill and I will ask students to read the words individually or in groups. Students will be given a controlled practice in which they should fill the gaps with words they have just learned,(ICQ: Can we write more than one word in each gap?, can we talk to each other?). when they finished they will check their answers in pairs and then I will ask one student from each pair to read a sentence. ( words: incompetent,dehydrated, ruined,apologize,prime minster). I will say a text about the pictures then I will write some sentences under each picture and the the form will be bold in them. then I will ask CCQs and write the answers next to each word, after that I will give them a short definition based on their answers and at the end we will have repetition drill.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I will write a question on the board :(what are some of the bad losers reaction?, ) then I will ask the students to skim the text and answer the question,(ICQ: should we read the text completely?, do we need all the details?, can we talk to each other?) .When they finished I will ask them to share their answers with their partner then I will ask some students to say one reaction and they shouldn't say repetitive ones.( ICQ: can we say the reaction that our friend said?). I will write the formula and an example for each affirmative,negative and question form also the form in each sentence will be highlighted, then I will read the sentences ,have repetition drill and CCQs.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

I will write some detailed questions on the board and ask students to read the text again and find the answers,(questions: what did Wimbled call the umpire?, why was Jon disqualified?, who played for Perugia?, who did John throw the medals at?), (ICQ: should we search for details?, should we read it completely?, should we talk to each other while reading?). after they finished they will check their answers in pairs then I will ask the questions from students. Students will go through a controlled exercise in their book which they need to fill the blanks with the correct verb, then students will check their answers in pairs.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I will teach 4 words from the text:(words: dignity,blaming,furious,crash into). students will be given a paper in which the word,phonetic and an example are written,also the word in the example is bold. I will read the word and example then I will ask CCQs, after answering them I will tell them a short definition based on the answers and have repetition drill for solving students pronunciation problems.the CCQs will be 4 or 5 for each word (there will be one question for each function,register,collocation and 2 questions for the meaning), (for example, the word:dignity, example: when we have a problem we should be calm and try to find the best way for solving it with dignity., 1-Is it formal or informal?, 2-Is it noun , verb or adverb?, 3-Is it for people or things?, 4-should we be angry or sad?, 5-should we be calm and control our reaction?). then for getting feedback students will go through a controlled practice in which they should match the words with their meanings.(ICQ: should we do it together or talk to each other?), then they will have pair check. At the end I will write a question on the board and ask the students to answer it in small groups,( question: think of a bad loser or a good loser and talk about their reactions when they lost.). for making groups I will write "1-do,2-go and 3-play" on the board and name of some sports on some pieces of paper and I will give them to students, I will ask students to see which of the verbs on the board come with the sport that they have and make their groups based on the verbs, the sports that they come with do with be group 1, sports with the verb go group 2 and sports with the verb play group 3. due to that students learned them previous session it would be a review for them too. after they finished I will ask each group to share the best memory. I will ask students to make some sentences with the phrasal verbs in pairs then I will ask each student to say one sentence or question.(ICQ: should we the phrasal verb or just the verb?)

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