Özen Özen

Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn functional language about arranging a night out, making suggestions and giving answers positively and negatively. They will be presented with the language through a video, they will then have language clarification and prepare a role play to practice it.


Abc Gap fill handout
Abc sentence cut-ups

Main Aims

  • In this lesson, students will learn how to make suggestions (functional language) in the context of trying to make a plan for Friday.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will listen and try to answer gist questions during the presentation of the language.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • introducing the context, activating schemata

T gives an example: Last friday, my friends and I went to a restaurant. What did you do last Friday? PAIR WORK, group discussion WGFB class survey: Who went out? Who went out to a restaurant? Who stayed in?

Presentation (7-8 minutes) • Students are presented with the language in a video.

"We will now watch a man trying to plan a Friday night for his office. We will watch once and you will answer these questions." When is the evening out? Who said yes and who said no? PEER CHECK quick WGFB

Focusing on language (7-10 minutes) • Fill in the blanks activity to focus on target language

SS are given handouts. 'These are questions and answers from the video, see if you can remember what they are." PAIR WORK PEER CHECK *5 min Write Are you free on Friday? and elicit the answers. Yes/no Focusing further: T writes How about an evening out? and Do you want to go for a pizza?/Would you like to go for a pizza? on the board. (Left side, one below the other, last two closer together.) Elicit "suggestion." CCQs. make/give Focus SS on the difference between the last two. Would... is polite, (remind that the video guy was speaking to an old couple.)

Focusing on meaning then form (10 minutes) • SS group sentences according to meaning, then notice the form.

T erases the board, only How about... /// (separate with a line!) and Do you want to.... and Would you like to.... remain. T writes YES! and NO on the board as well. SS are given cut ups of suggestions and responses. They are also given 1 example of each one. In teams, they decide which is which and come up on the board to stick their answers on where they think they would go. SS look at the board and decide if there are mistakes. CCQing 'suggestion' again. Maybe another time; Yes or no. 'Not on Friday, but we'll decide later when else.' We'd love to! Is this had or would? SS are asked to look at each suggestion group and notice what is the same about them. (1 MIN) T elicits the formulas. Clarifies gerunds.

Pronunciation (5-5 minutes) • Drilling the marker sentences.

Did SS have any trouble with any sentence in particular? Decide which to start with. Backchain: Friday/on Friday/freeonFriday/Are you 'free on 'Friday? Pizza/frapizza/ go frapizza/ Dyou 'want ta go fra'pizza? busy/I'm busy/ I can't, I'm busy/ 'Sorry I 'can't, I'm 'busy. We'd 'love to!

Controlled speaking practice (10-12 minutes) • To practice the target language.

You will call a friend and try to make a plan for Friday. SS can use the sentences that are already stuck to the board. Write on the board; greet suggest agree/disagree decide on the date, time, place SS prepare + practice it for 5 mins. PAIR WORK error correction; Do you want going... How about to go... SS present their dialogue to the neighboring partner.2 MIN

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