Wasseem Sonbol Wasseem Sonbol

TP3_Functional Language
Intermediate level


Using useful phrases to give advice about complaints or injuries.


Main Aims

  • To enable Ss to use useful phrases to give advice about complaints or injuries in the context of short conversations between people describing injuries and complaints and giving advice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable Ss to listen and repeat useful phrases to give advice, discuss which advice to use in certain situations in the context of writing short conversations about complaints and advice.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To raise students' interest in the topic and prepare them for the fill-in activity and listening.

Show Ss the pictures of the six people and ask: Are they OK? No Do they have problems? Yes What's the problem in picture 1, 2, etc.? Ss work in pairs and discuss. Ss give feedback to the whole class. Elicit some words from the class and pre-teach them through Ss explanations to their colleagues.

Skim reading (3-5 minutes) • To give Ss a specific task for skim reading and identify problems and complaints.

Show Ss the handout and the conversations in ex. 1. Ask Ss to read the conversations and underline the problems and complaints. Ss check with a partner. Ss give feedback to the whole class.

Language Focus / Reading (10-13 minutes) • To give Ss a specific task for detailed reading and filling the gaps with the right advice.

Ask Ss to work in pairs and try to think of a piece of advice to give to each person. Elicit answers from the class. Show the useful phrases in ex. 2 to the whole class, ask Ss to read them. Ss then match each phrase with one conversation (can be done in pairs). Play the recording for Ss to check and show the answer key quickly on the board. Ask Ss what verbs were used in ex.2 to give advice ('d better, need to, should). Ask CCQs: "You should lie down and keep your leg up" Is it important for me to lie down and keep my leg up? Yes. Do I have a choice whether to lie down or not?/Can I say no? Yes. Is it a good idea for me to do it? Yes. Give examples using other modal verbs if necessary.

Pronunciation / Listening (2-4 minutes) • To enable Ss to use natural intonation in the context of giving advice

Ss listen to the Ss in ex.3 and repeate. Highlight any linked sounds (put a bag, need to put, down and keep, put some).

Writing / Speaking (12-15 minutes) • To enable Ss to recycle useful phrases to give advice and give them an opportunity to practice for speaking fluency.

Ss read the sentences in ex.4 and underline any words they don't understand. Possible words: Swollen wrist: Ask Ss if they know what a wrist is. Show them my wrist. What happens to your ankle when it is twisted? Does the area become smaller? Bigger? Bigger. Loose: What happens to my teeth if someone punches me on the mouth? The fall off. What if they don't fall off? The become loose (moving, not firm). I can use body language here to demonstrate the meaning. Wasp: show a picture. Stung: past of sting. What does a wasp/bee do to you if you attack it? It stings you. Ss read the problems again, and in pairs discuss what advice they would give to the people who have those problems. Ss report to the whole class. In pairs, Ss choose one of the injuries/complaints. Ss write a short conversation like the ones in ex.1. Ss practice their conversations in pairs. Nominate some pairs to practice their conversations in front of the whole class (or in their positions).

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