Besma Besma


Abc Questions handouts, answer keys handouts, writing handouts, useful languga handouts, Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson students will have practised both reading for speficic information and for detail in the context of letting children take risks

Subsidiary Aims

  • ss write an email to show agreement or disagreement in the context of taking risks


Warmer/Lead-in/ (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic + to provide ss with the needed vocablary for completion of tasks

T projects a picture (I'd use the one in the article). T asks 'what can you see in the picture?' 'Is it healthy for children to let them play outdoor?' if yes 'do you do that with your child?' 'why, why not?' T preteaches lexis 'sedentary':(adj)/ˈsed.ən.tər.i/ involving little exercise or physical activity *position statement (compound n) a written *'abduction' (n)/æbˈdʌk.ʃən/:forcing someone to go with you using violence and threats *resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/ (U.n) being able to overcome problems/obstacles quickly *wean /wiːn/ (T.v) when a mum stops breastfeeding her child. *go off /ɡəʊ'ɒf/ (phrasal V): to leave a place and go to somewhere else. T use CCQs to check students' understanding of lexis

Pre-Reading/Listening (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Lead-in directly related to the text: T adds the title to the projected picture and asks ss to guess who the text is written for.

While-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with a scanning/reading for specific information task

T asks ss to work on their own to scan the text quickly to check predictions about its audience. Peer check. Then whole class feedback. Then T divides the class into 3 groups. Ss work in groups to practise jigsaw reading. T asks ss to work together, each grp on a paragraph and answer 2 questions each. T asks ss to read quickly. T gives out the questions' handout. T also sets a time limit. T checks understanding of instructions. Group 1--- paragraph 1, group2------paragraph2, group3------paragraph3. Next T tells groups to exchange questions and ask each other's T demonstrates e.g. grp2 asks grp 1 the questions about paragraph 1 and vice-versa so that all the class has an idea of the text as a whole. T projects answer keys. Feedback: to correct some written or spoken mistakes.

While-Reading/ Task 2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

In this 2nd while-reading stage ss are given opportunity to read between the lines to answer reading for detail questions. T asks ss to read the text carefully this time to answer other set of questions. T sets time limit and ask ss to work individually. T gives out the questions' handout. T demonstrates with ss. Ss checks understanding of instructions. Ss do the questions. Ss check answers. T gives out the answer key

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

This stage is very important as it allows ss to write their opinions. So T tells ss that now after what they've learned they will write about themselves. T gives out a handwout containing the question: 'write an email to the author of the position statement Mark Tremblay saying if you agree or disagree of what he supports'. T also gives out a handout of useful language for ss: 'In my opinion, I strongly disagree on this particular point because, I think..," T sets time limit. T asks ss to work each on his own. After they finish T asks them to stick their pieces of writing on the wall. T asks ss to move around reading each other's. 2nd step:T asks ss to report: one student reports another s's opinion. Feedback.

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