Nisha Nisha

Nouns and adjectives
Elementary level


In this lesson,students learn about countable nouns and adjectives in the context of a story based in a house. They learn about the different rooms and furniture used in a house and words used to describe them.The lesson starts with a picture- word matching activity. This is followed by eliciting words to describe the picture. A controlled practice crossword activity to test understanding, word stress and finally a free practice writing activity.


Abc handout to identify nouns and add adjectives, pictures to teach vocabulary

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of rooms and furniture in a house as countable nouns.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of adjectives in the context of parts of a house and furniture.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Divide students in pairs or group of 3 or 4, depending on the class size. Picture- word matching activity-Distribute word cards of pictures of rooms in a house and furniture and their names to each group to match. Time 2-3 minutes. Peer check with the other groups/tables. Teacher displays the correct order on the board.

Exposure and introduction to nouns (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Distribute the text to the students. Ask them to skim the text and answer one question- What does the text talk about? Possible answers- house/ parts or a house/ furniture/Poppy's school holidays etc. Compliment the students for their answers/effort and then read parts of the text to highlight the focus of the lesson- parts of a house/ furniture. Ask students to underline words for meanings not explained in the first matching activity. Highlight the names of people( Bella, Poppy), things ( chair, flowers), places and rooms ( garden, kitchen,living room) from the text. Tell students names of people,places and things are called nouns. Elicit examples from students and display on the board.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming tasks

Ask students to work in pairs and underline the nouns in the text.Time- 4-5 minutes. Check with the whole class together and then display the highlighted text on the board. Highlight difference between singular and plural nouns.Example- books, bookcases, bedrooms, living rooms, garden. Highlight the use of 's' at the end of nouns to show plural countable nouns. Elicit singular and plural nouns in the classroom to check understanding. Teacher gives feedback and clarification.

Exposure and introduction to adjectives (12-15 minutes) • To highlight, clarify and check understanding of useful language for coming tasks

Highlight a few phrases from the text on the board: wet, rainy day long holiday dusty dining room Ask students to identify the nouns. Ask: What kind of a day was it? Hot? No, it was wet and rainy. Similarly elicit the other adjectives. Explain- any word or words that gives more information about the noun or describes is called adjective. Adjectives 'usually' come before a noun.,example-long holiday. They can also come after a noun. example-the dining room was red. Highlight the definition once more. Ask students to identify adjectives from the text. Elicit a few and display text with highlighted adjectives on the board.

Productive Task(s) (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Play the crossword games for rooms of a house from the site below in teams. Pronunciation - Word stress for the lexical set.O stressed syllables o-unstressed syllables. Example: Dining room- di: O ning:o Garden- Gar: O den: o Elicit from class. Choral drill. Ask students to prepare to speak about their house using the lexical sets and the grammar points discussed in class and stress on the syllables, as practised. Challenge stronger students to use more difficult adjectives instead of the easier ones like nice, big, beautiful etc. Help weaker students with vocabulary and even work in pairs to discuss and plan their speaking activity.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Teacher to highlight the lexical sets and grammar points before giving group feedback and individual feedback, as necessary.

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