Meltem Cirdi Meltem Cirdi

Celta TP 3
Elementary level


Vocabulary and Reading about Transportation


Abc Computer, projector, handouts.

Main Aims

  • To provide collocations related to transport

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading and listening for specific information


Warmer/Lead-in (7-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and activate knowledge about transport and travelling

Ask the students if they remember any words from the previous lesson about transportion and travelling. If they cannot remember, remind them with examples ex. destination, gate. First page or the ppt is cover page. Show the second page of ppt. Ask them if they can match the pictures with the transport. Show the third page of ppt. Ss need to connect a sentence to a vehicle. Show the fourth page of ppt. Ss are going to write advantages and disadvantages of the vehicles individually. Peer check. Feedback. Show the fifth page of ppt. Ask ss how those people usually travel in their your town.

Pre-Reading/Listening (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pg. 43, 4a. Check whether the ss know how to say the numbers. Drill if necessary. Teach these words (detailed analysis is at the end of the lesson plan) average (syn. standard) passenger (syn. traveler) efficient (syn. organized)

While-Reading/Listening #1 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students a context which they are familiar with and specific information reading tasks

pg.43, 5a. Ss are going to pick the right verb for each transportation. Peer check. Ss read the article to check their answers Feedback.

Post-Reading/Listening (6-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Pg. 43, ex. 6a Students are going to read the statements. They are going to decide if the statements are correct or false for their city. Peer check. Feedback and discuss.

Freer Activitiy (10-12 minutes) • To practice target vocabulary

Cutting Edge - Third Edition - Elementary - Teacher's Resource - 5A - Transport; Travelling - Crossword A/B One copy of the worksheet per pair • Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Give a copy of Crossword A to all students in group A and a copy of Crossword B to all students in group B. Check that students understand how to refer to words in a crossword, e.g. 3 across, 7 down. • Students work together in their groups to check they know the meanings of all the words on their worksheet. • Put students into pairs so that one student with Crossword A and one student with Crossword B are working together. They are not allowed to look at each other’s crosswords. • Students take it in turns to give clues (either verbal or visual) for the words that appear on their half of the crossword. The other student must guess the words and write them in his/her own crossword. They should tell their partner if the answer is one or two words, but they are not allowed to give letters as clues. • The activity continues until both students have a completed version of the crossword.

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