Engin Aydın Engin Aydın

Articles ( a, an, the)
Upper intermadiate, B2 level


In this lesson, the students learn about 'Articles'. They will focus on using them correctly through guieded based on pictures and a listening text. The lesson starts with a discussion about 'a, an, the, and zero article'. This is followed by giving two sentences and indicating differences. And the teacher gives handouts that the students re-organise the paragraph using correct articles.The teacher shows different pictures and they speak about them and match them.The students try to use the names in different sentences. The teacher gives important details in using of articles.There is a listening activity.Before listening activity the teacher shows a picture to the students and they try to guess what will happen in the listening activity.They listen and fill in the blanks. Finally, there is some controlled practice through using the nouns with articles and free writing practise via a final group-work.


Main Aims

  • To provide review of articles in the context of geography, nouns,and listening activity.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in articles in the context of in daily life.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher uses articles in different sentences. ' I am a teacher. I am an engineer.The class is very hard-working . I am a Engin.' And ask which one is correct or false. Says these sentences; 'I am a Engin Or the Engin.'Which one is correct? The students say, both of them are false. The tecaher asks 'Why?' . The students say that ' we do not use articles with proper nouns.The teacher write some nouns on the board and the students match them correctly using 'A and An'The techer gives a mix paragraph and students put them in correct order and then uses articles.

Pre-speaking (8-12 minutes) • to give information about 'the' using geographical pictures

Show the HOs (pictures) and ask Ss for each pictures 'what is this picture? and Where is it located? How can I go there? etc.' Write the names on the board and let the students work together. Put the pictures different places in the class and Ss mach them on the board.

Speaking (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ss will use the names in different examples correctly.

Clarification (9-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ss sits in groups. The teacher shows them a picture of two people on the beach.And asks Ss - CCQ -'Who are they?' - 'Where are they talking?' -' What are they talking about? - Are they happy?' They try to guess what they are talking . The teacher gives them HOs to the students. Tell Ss fill in the blanks using articles.Check in pairs.They give HOs to each other.And they listen the dialogue and fiil the blanks. They correct their mistakes.WC - FB

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher write two sentences.' The baby wants a toy.' What does the baby want? ( A toy) Does it matter one I give it?( No, toys is fine) 'The baby wants the toy.' What does the baby want ? (The toy) Does it matter which one I give it ? (Yes, it wants a specific one- possibly that it can see now.) And students discuss on these sentences in groups.and Ss give similar examples.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The teacher writes up the sentences on the board . The teacher tells them first one is correct. a.I was at a party last night. b.When I picked up the newspaper , I knocked the food off the table. c. I was reading a newspaper and drinking a tea. d. Suddenly I dropped the newspaper on the floor. e. And tea went all over my suit. The teacher draws attention to the importance of articles by asking questions like ' Could B be sentence 2? (No) 'Why not?' ( It uses the newspaper, not a newspaper) 1-a, 2-c, 3-d,4-b, 5-e

Free Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Put Ss in pairs, tell them write a situation or a text using articles. Ss says their conversation and if there is mistakes Ss crret them. Tell the students to practise the conversation with their partner.Encourage ss to use gestures. Monitor to check that ss are on task. Help with disputes and questions

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