Amy Canter Amy Canter

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn the difference between the commonly used verbs "make" and "do" and their collocations. They will watch a short video to see examples in everyday life, then learn the rules and some exceptions. Next the Ss will have controlled practice in the form of a board race game matching collocations and forming sentences. Finally the Ss will have freer practice by speaking about their morning routine or what they did last week.


Abc Student Book
Abc HO1
Abc Teachers Book
Abc Power Point
Abc HO2

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of collocations with "make" and "do"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice listening for specific information using a text about collocations with "make" and "do"
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice using the correct "make" and "do" collocations in a conversation in the context of making plans and daily/weekly activities


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Write on the board and elicit possible answers "I am ________________ a cake" (making, eating, baking) "I am ________________ yoga" (doing, practicing) I am ___________ a coffee I am ___________ the housework Elicit more examples from Ss- Can you think of other collocations for make and do? Emphasize use (often) and fluency

Exposure and Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text and to draw students' attention to the target language

Listen/watch the video and individually make a tick or just count on your fingers how many phrases with "make" you hear ICQ- are you counting phrases with do or make? (make) are you counting each time they say the word "make" or different phrases with "make"? (different) If I said "I am making a cake now and tomorrow I will make another cake" would you count 2 or 1? (1) Play video (:28-2:30) Ask Ss how many they heard? Ask if anyone heard more than this. Play remainder of the video to check (2:37-3:26) Is it the same number? (Should be 8 but video only reviews 7) Did you hear one the video did not mention in the answers? (make vaccines) If Ss don't know let them figure it out in the script. Pass out scripts (HO1) and have Ss underline the collocations with partner, then check with table to make sure they have them all, project answer key

Clarification (7-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

How do you know which one to use? Elicit possible answers There is a rule: Pass out HO2 focusing Ss on the part to complete Project gap fill of "make" and "do" rule Ss work with a partner to fill in the answers, then check with table. Early finisher will write the answer on the board Does everyone agree? Elicit some examples for each verb *note exceptions HO2 matching Project and do 1 part together Ss have 2-3 minutes to finish with partner Group check Answer key on HO

Controlled Practice (15-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

HO2 matching exercise - 5 min PW (3) then Group check (1) Answer key on bottom Board Game Split class into 2 teams Divide board into 4 equal parts (top 2 squares "make", bottom 2 squares "do", write team A and B on opposite sides.) Ss will stand in a line facing their side of the board. Ss must grab a paper from the desk in the middle, write the word into the correct box, then pass the marker and go to the back of the line. Play for 3-5 min, the winner has the most correct collocations on the board. Circle any differences and elicit corrections- erase the errors. In new color circle the incorrect As a class check to see that these are correct Elicit corrections from Ss then declare the winner. Ss make 2-3 sentences with collocations from board with partners, then group check

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss work in pairs and have a conversation about what they did this morning and/or their usual morning using TL (2-3 at least) Example dialogue (speak) "This morning I woke up early to do a quick workout. Then I made breakfast, ate, and did the dishes. Afterwards, I took a quick shower and did my makeup before I left the house." ICQ -Are you repeating what I said to each other? (no) Who are you talking about? (yourself) Do you have to only use examples we have talked about? (no) What verbs should you be using? (do and make) Encourage Ss to use new collocations with the verbs Monitor for good and bad language If time switch partners Have a volunteer or two tell the class about their partner's morning and/or what collocations they used Delayed error correction

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