Dilara Dinç Dilara Dinç

Travel Essentials
Elementary level


In this lesson students will talk about packing before going on a holiday. Students will try to listen and identify questions about Walter and Thelma's conversation.


Abc Audio
Abc Worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide gist listening to identify the person who packed for the holiday.
  • To provide specific listening to tick the words in the text.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy by making questions and answering them with their pairs
  • To provide fluency by talking about five thing they would take to travel to Washington.


Lead in (8-10 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and rise an interest on the theme.

Teacher asks questions to SS: Do you like to travel? How many countries have you visited? Teacher draws a regtangle on the board, draws objects that she would take for the holiday by eliciting from the students. T asks about the picture on page 56. What can you see? T does some drillings CCQs: Do I take photos with camera? Do I listen to music with an ipod? Do you read the guide book for fun or information? T pretends to pack 5 things in her suitcase. You will work in pairs. Now think you are going to Washington now and you can take 5 things with you. What would you take? Draw your suitcase and share with your pair. T and SS have task feedback.

Pre-listening (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening exercises.

T tells students to look at the picture on page 56, asks Where are they? Where are they going? What can you see in the pictures, T tells they are going on a holiday. What do you do before you leave home? (eg.Turn of the lights)

Gist (5-6 minutes) • To get students to listen and guess who packed the suitcase.

T will ask students to look at the first exersice reading-listening section and listen and try to identify who packed the suitcase. Please listen and look at the text, try to guess who packs the suitcase. Pair check. Whole Class ICQ: Are you going to listen or speak?

Listen for specific information (8-10 minutes) • To get students to listen and tick the words they hear on the worksheet.

Teacher asks students to look at the words in the small box on page 56. Now please listen and tick the word you hear. ICQs: Are you going to circle? No You're going to tick. Pair check. Whole class check. Look at the words, listen and tick the ones you hear.

Gist Listening (5-8 minutes) • To get students to listen and get the specific information.

T asks students to listen to Walter and Thelma at the airport. and asks what is the problem that their having. There is a problem at the airport. Listen and try to understand what the problem is? Pair check. Whole class check.

Pre-Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To help students to work on their accuracy

SS work on their on to make questions in past simple on page 57. Students write the question on a piece of paper. T demostrates how to make the sentences. Please look at page 57 and make question sentences with these words by yourself. Teacher write the questions on the board ICQ: Are going to tick something? Are you going to make sentences?

Speaking for accuracy (8-10 minutes) • To get students to make question sentences while speaking in the past tense.

SS talk in pairs about the questions they prepared and they are written on the board to help them. Teacher does a taks feedback with students and correct the errors on the board. Please ask and answer questions about the questions you have written before.

Back-up Activity (8-10 minutes) • To get students to speak about their dream holiday.

T tell students they will work in pairs. T tells students they are going to talk about their dream holiday in pairs. T gives SS the hand out about the dream holiday. SS talk about the dream holiday in terms of clothes, transport, activities etc. ICQ: Are you going to write something?

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