Basra Basra

Future perfect & Future contionous
Upper-intermediate level


IIn this lesson students will learn about future perfect and future continuous through the context of eco-guilt. They will be doing predictions based on the ecology and will speak with their partners. In addition, they will be doing grammar fill-in gaps.


Abc Handout 2
Abc Handout 1
Abc Handout 3
Abc Handout 4

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the future perfect and the future continuous in the context of eco-guilt.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of eco-guilt.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show images of ecology and ask Ss to predict what connection it has with the context of ecology. Ss will predict and T will elicit words such as: recycling, running water, solar system, melting ice, renewable energies and pollution.

Reading task (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the target language via a text.

T gives Ss a text based on some predictions that have been made about the next 20 years in the context of "How we will be living in 20 years' time... (or will we)". Ss read Solo. T asks students Ss to talk in pairs: Which ones do you think are already happening? Which ones do you think are likely to happen? Which ones do you think probably won't happen? Ss talk with Pairs.

Highlighting target language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight the target language by use of eliciting.

T asks Ss what the highlighted verbs are in grammar. Ss answers to T, T elicits answers from Ss such as; future perfect: will have installed, will have been banned, will have disappeared, will have rise, will have closed, will have disappeared. Future continuous: will be recycling, will be driving, will be running out, will be getting, will be having.

Clarifying target language (23-25 minutes) • To clarify meaning and form of target language.

T ask Ss CCQs for the meaning; of future perfect and future continuous; such as, What is the action that will be in progress at a certain time in the future? (Future continuous) Which tense looks like the present continuous? (Future continuous) Which tense do we use when we say about something that will be finished before a certain time in the future? (Future perfect) Do we use 'by' when we use time expression, such as by Saturday? (Yes) Do we use 'in' when we use time expressions such as weeks/months? (Yes) Do I say "by next month I will be in Mars"? (No) What do I use instead of 'by'? (In) Do I say "in Saturday I will be going to Mars"? (No) What do I use instead of 'in'? (By) T asks Ss the form of future perfect and future continuous. Ss answer and T elicits: future perfect: will have + past participle. Future continuous: will be + verb + ing. T gives HO2 to Ss to practice future perfect and future continuous tense. T does ICQ: What will you be filling in? (The gaps) Which tenses are you going to use? (Future perfect and future continuous) Are you doing alone? (Yes) Ss will complete Solo the sentences using the future perfect or future continous ex. 4a. Ss check answers with pairs. T shows the HO2 by projector on board and nominates a Ss to write the answers. T gives HO3 and tells Ss to complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets ex. 4b. T nominates 2 Ss each to read the first 2 parts. Ss complete Solo. Ss check in pairs. T shows the HO3 by projector on board and nominates a Ss to write the answers.

Language practice (6-9 minutes) • To provide freer practice

T change pairs T gives HO4 to Ss and tells them to talk with their pair whether the following predictions will happen. And explain why (not). T does ICQs: Will you talk in groups? (No) T says Ss to read Solo Ss read the predictions Solo for 1-2 minutes. T does ICQs: Are you going to read fast? (Yes) Are you going to talk with your partner? (Yes). Ss share ideas with their partners.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T monitors and writes down the language errors and good language. T gives brief feedback.

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