Cem Kilciler Cem Kilciler

life on scottish ısland
elementary a1 level


In this lesson, SS will learn new vocabulary in the context of '' life on Scottish Island''. Fırst T will play a song to raise interest then move on with a powerpoint slide and walk SS through the slide for unknown vocabulary and compass directions. Then T plays a video about Scottish accent and does repetition drills, asks what SS think about the accent.T will do pre-listening vocabulary exercise and give new vocabulary. Then, with ICQ, T proceeds to exercise 2, lets SS do p-p correction then WCFB. For Post-Listening part: T handouts small papers to SS and asks SS to complete sentences then stick them around the room, let's SS read each other's sentences and asks a couple of questions to make SS produce language.


Abc powerpoint slide
Abc free practise
Abc listening exercises

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening exercise in the context of Life on a Scottish Island

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of life


Warmer/Lead-in (3-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Before the lesson, T plays song ‘’Emerald ısles’’ on the computer. -After greeting SS, T will ask SS if they remember Teacher’s name. -T opens up powerpoint slide and the lesson will move on as T shows a Scotland flag with ‘’Scotland’’ written under it and writes Scotland on the board and ask SS to write anything about Scotland; T writes Turkey on the board and does 4-5 item brainstorming about Turkey and gives an example for Scotland as ICQ.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To raise interest and awareness to the topic

-Then T will show a map of UK with compass directions and ask SS where is Scotland. Then focuses on north, west, south, east and does repetition drill with SS. If SS seem to be interested in compass directions T can also give out NE, NW, SW, and SE. -The power point slide will go on with pictures of traditional Scottish man dress, top 10 things to do in Scotland with word descriptions and visuals.

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

In this part, T tells students they will hear a Scottish person teaching how to speak with the Scottish accent and when a word shows up T asks SS to repeat it then continue the video for the Scottish accent. T asks students ‘’ is Scottish accent hard? Are vowels (a, e, i, o and u) long or short?’’

listening for gist (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher writes possible unknown vocabulary to W/B; journey, Isle, sunset, ferry and asks students if they know the meaning of any word on the board; if yes, asks them to draw, if no, T draws. Then teacher lets students read the sentences of 3.6 then tells them ‘’ if you hear these put a tick next to it. Do you write answers? No. Do you put tick? Yes’’. T states SS will hear only once and plays the audio, then makes students do p-p correction then gives WCFB.

listening for spesific information (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T proceeds with listening for specific information part: T gives 30 seconds to SS to read questions of exercise 2. Then plays the audio, if needed audio can be played more than once. P-P check then WCFB.

Free Practice (6-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

For Post-Listening part: T handouts small papers to SS and asks SS to complete sentences: ‘’ look at sentences in 3a, please complete them for you.’’ For ICQ T gives example: ‘’ Stornoway is very different from my town because on Sunday all shops are open in my town.’’ When SS write their answers T gives tack-it to SS. When a student is done with writing T asks the student to stick sentence to anywhere in the class. When every student is done with sticking their sentences T asks them to travel around the room and read sentences. As WCFB, T asks students ‘’would you like to live there? Why? Why not?’’

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