Cem Kilciler Cem Kilciler

Tp 2a
Elementary, A1 level


In this lesson students will be able to form questions and give short answers with past simple ‘’be’’.First T will ask simple questions about their ‘’last birthday’’ such as: ‘’ where were you?’’ ‘’who was with you?’’ and elicit a few answers, if SS struggle teacher will supply examples. Then T will tell SS to focus on page 41.T asks suggested questions in ex 5a and making sure they understand by giving example answers for questions ‘’where, why'', such as ''where ? In Istanbul, in Sydney, in London, in Tokyo'', '' why? Because of holiday? Because of free ice-cream? Because of football match?''. T plays the audio for SS to complete 5a, T tells SS to check answers with partners after SS are done with p-p check T gives answers. Then T makes students read the questions of 5b for 20 seconds then tells: ‘’ let’s listen again and write answers this time’’ and asks ICQ: ‘’ will you put ticks? No, will you do it with partner? No’’ then plays the audio once more. When audio ends T tells SS to do pair check:’’ check with partners’’ when pair check is done T gives WCFB. Next part of the lesson is about word stress: T writes examples in ex6 to board, tells SS to: ‘’ please focus on stress’’ then reads the sentences with stress patterns and asks SS to repeat after. Next activity is about meaning, T draws the table in ex 7a on the W/B, after showing examples, asks students to write the questions in ex 5b on the table on their own, for ICQ T asks:’’ will you do match? No. Will you do it with partner? No.’’ after pair check T gives WCFB. Repeats the same process for 7b and 7c. Next part is focus on form, so T highlights question word order by using an example on the board and saying:’’ look, when/where is first, was/were second and subject is third’’. Next part is controlled practice: T writes ‘’/at work yesterday?’’ and gives the example then gives HO to students and asks ‘’ will you answer questions? No. Will you do it with partner? No.’’, after students are done T tells students to do pair check then gives WCFB. As for the freer practice SS will ask and answer questions from ex10 to partner first after 2 minute they will talk about their partner


Abc listening
Abc practice and chart handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of past simple ''be'' questions and short answers in the context of birthday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about birthday


Warmer/Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First T will ask simple questions about their ‘’last birthday’’ such as: ‘’ where were you?’’ ‘’who was with you?’’ and elicit a few answers, if SS struggle teacher will supply examples.

Exposure- listening for gist (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Then T will tell SS to focus on page 41.T asks suggested questions in ex 5a and making sure they understand, if necessary, by giving example answers for questions ‘’where, why'', such as ''where ? In Istanbul, in Sydney, in London, in Tokyo'', '' why? Because of holiday? Because of free ice-cream? Because of football match?''. T plays the audio for SS to complete 5a, T tells SS to check answers with partners after SS are done with p-p check T gives answers.

listening for details (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Then T makes students read the questions of 5b for 20 seconds then tells: ‘’ let’s listen again and write answers this time’’ and asks ICQ: ‘’ will you put ticks? No, will you do it with partner? No’’ then plays the audio once more. When audio ends T tells SS to do pair check:’’ check with partners’’ when pair check is done T gives WCFB.

Post Listening (1-2 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Next part of the lesson is about word stress: T writes examples in ex6 to board, tells SS to: ‘’ please focus on stress’’ then reads the sentences with stress patterns and asks SS to repeat after

Focus On Meaning (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Next activity is about meaning, T draws the table in ex 7a on the W/B, after showing examples, asks students to write the questions in ex 5b on the table on their own, for ICQ T asks:’’ will you do match? No. Will you do it with partner? No.’’ after pair check T gives WCFB. Repeats the same process for 7b and 7c.

Focus On Form (1-2 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Next part is focus on form, so T highlights question word order by using an example on the board and saying:’’ look, when/where is first, was/were second and subject is third’’

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Next part is controlled practice: T writes ‘’/at work yesterday?’’ and tells about exercise then gives the example after that gives HO to students and asks ‘’ will you answer questions? No. Will you do it with partner? No.’’, after students are done T tells students to do pair check then gives WCFB.

Freer Practice (6-10 minutes) • personalization

As for the freer practice SS will ask and answer questions from ex10 to partner first, after 4 minutes T asks SS to give information about their partner.

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