Basra Basra

Vocabulary & Speaking
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will learn about expressing their feelings with verbs or -ed / -ing adjectives. They will have a personalized pre-text reading for detail in order to get their interest in the topic. They will be asked several questions based on the specific vocabularies that they will be learning during the lesson. Moreover, they will have HO1 to complete the exercises with the correct form of the verbs. Later on, they will do a speaking activity (free practice) in pairs talking about their feelings towards the issues given in exercise.


Abc HO1
Latham koenig, c. & oxenden, c HO2

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice vocabulary on -ed and -ing adjective verb forms of infuriate, frustrate, embarrass, exhaust, disappoint, amaze, terrify, inspire, confuse . In the context of feelings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking in the context of feelings using the vocabulary.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows on board pictures about feelings: frustrated, inspired, amazed, disappointed, terrified, confused, thrilled, embarrassed, exhausted, and infuriated. Ss predict the pictures. T elicits answers from Ss until they find the needed vocabularies and does drilling.

Highlighting Language and Vocabulary Practice (8-14 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will give HO1 to Ss, pre-text based on a personalized topic about feelings, and tell Ss to read in details. Ss will read solo. T does CCQs to Ss: How does she feel? Exhausted, confused and infuriated. What did she feel when she chose this job? Inspire and thrill. What does she feel about her friends job? Inspiring. What are the difference between inspire and inspiring? Inspire: verb. Inspiring(adj) verb + -ing. Ss answers the CCQs.

Clarification (15-20 minutes) • To get students to discover meaning-form-pronunciation

T gives Ss HO2 and tells them to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words (ex. 2a). T does ICQ: Do we use -ing and -ed to change the verb into an adjective? Yes. Are we going to find the correct form of the verb? Yes. Ss do exercise Solo. Ss check answers in pairs. T asks Ss CCQs: I don't know which shoes to wear. What am I feeling? Confused. What can we say other than scared? Terrify. What can we say other than tired? Exhaust. What can we say other than angry? infuriate. What can we say other than shy but in a bad way? embarrass. T elicits the words asked at CCQs and does pronunciation practices with Ss chorally and individually. Ss listen and check their answers (ex. 2b, listening 3/16). Ss discuss with their pairs whether the sentences are true or false for them, if so each partner will come up with an example or a reason. Ss share their examples or reasons to whole class. T will give brief feedback on good language and errors.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for free practice

T tells Ss to complete the sentences with a form of the adjective (ex. 2c). T asks Ss CCQs: How does a verb change into an adjective? -ed and -ing. Is amaze a verb or an adjective? verb. Is amazed a verb or an adjective? adjective. What else is a verb? thrill, confuse, terrify e.t.c.. What is an adjective? terrified, amazing, inspiring e.t.c.. Ss complete it Solo. Ss to pair check. T nominates Ss to write the answers on board. T asks if they all agree with the answers.

Free Practice (11-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T changes the pairs. T tell Ss in pairs chose three circles to talk about feelings (ex.d). Ss talk with pairs about their feelings in several situations. T asks students: Are there any things that make you feel exactly the same way as your partner? Ss answer T question. T elicits good language and errors to give feedback.

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