Sandra Sandra

Leisure Activities
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practice Wh and Yes/No questions through different controlled speaking practice activities. Students will as well learn some new vocabulary through a matching activity and using the different leisure activities in sentences during the speaking activities.


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Main Aims

  • To practice Wh and Yes/No questions forms through controlled speaking practice

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice vocabulary and collocations in the context of leisure activities


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students. Introduce the question and answer: "What do you like to do?" "I like to...".

- T welcomes and greets the ss: "Good afternoon everyone". - T introduces the topic by saying: "today we will be talking about things we like to do". - T says: "I like ___ (models running without saying the word)". Elicit the word "running" from ss. - 2nd ex.: "I like ___ (models going shopping)". Elicit the word from ss. - 3rd ex.: "I like ____ (models traveling)". Elicit the word from ss. Act out a second time if needed. - T asks a strong s (maybe Nada): "What do you like to do?" If she doesn't reply with "I like ___", T repeats saying one thing she likes to do and give her another opportunity to answer. Have her ask another s (Moakhsen) the question "What do you like to do?". Have him ask a third s (maybe Hala). Drill "What do you like to do?" if needed. - ask ss to get up and ask two people about what they like to do. - ask ss to sit back down.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide vocabulary through a matching activity

- T asks ss to gather around a table. Put the pictures and words on the table. Ask ss to help you to match a word with the correct picture. Do two examples then form groups of 3 or 4 by giving each student a name of an animal. Group 1: crocodiles. Group 2: tigers. Group 3: camels. - Ask ss to do the matching activity in their groups. - ICQ - Check in with ss. Make note of errors. Correct if needed. - Put the answer key on the OHP. Have ss check their matches.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice "I think she likes____", "I don't think she likes____", "Do you like ____?" "I like ___ but I don't like ___" "Why?"

- T explain with gestures and mimic that ss should imagine me standing in front of the class. - T goes to sit with the ss and says: "I think she likes ____", "I don't think she likes ____". - Ask a strong s: "What do you think?" (maybe Sawsen or Yemen). If she/he is not able to provide the correct answer, T will model another time. Go back and give her/him another opportunity to answer. Have her/him ask a third student. Then have each ss tell their partner "I think she likes____", "I don't think she likes ____". - Then, T asks the imagery herself "Do you like ____?". Then T goes back to the front and asks (by using gestures) ss to ask her: "Do you like____?". - T then moves on to say "I like ____ but I don't like ____". Ask another s: "What do you like?" If s doesn't give the correct answer, model another time. Give another opportunity to answer. - T asks the same s "Why?", see if s can give a reason for his like or dislike. - Have the s ask another s the same thing. - Then ask ss to stand up and ask these questions for ss. - Have everyone sit back down. Ask feedback questions: "What does he like?" "What does she not like?" "Why?". Correct errors if needed. - T elicits other activities people like to do for leisure from the ss. Write them on the whiteboard.

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