Heath Heath

Copy of vocabulary, gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to the difference between gradable and non-gradable adjectives in the context of extreme situations. They will highlight the adjectives in a previous text, match gradable and non-gradable adjectives. they will follow this up with writing sentences, pronunciation and a short speaking.


Abc CD track
Abc CD track
Abc Student's book handouts
Abc CD track

Main Aims

  • To understand the difference between gradable and non-gradable adjectives in the context of extreme situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To use gradable/ non-gradable adjectives to speak about emotions in dramatic situations using appropriate stress and intonation.


Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • gradable and non-gradable adjectives

Connect with the previous lesson by asking Ss to look at the text again and underline the adj, get some ideas from Ss. Elicit from Ss what happens before the adj and see if I can lead them to the TL- Adv before gradable and non-gradable adj. Ss answer the questions Now move to ex 2, Ss match gradable and non-gradable adj; help with meaning problems. Do ex 3, Ss write sentences and share them with a partner; monitor and check for correction.

Listening (8-10 minutes) • Pronunciation

Ex 1, Ss listen to the exchange, elicit manner of intonation. I could demonstrate flat intonation to encourage Ss to use the appropriate one. Then move on to ex.2, Ss make up their own first sections, then do a mingle swop.

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • speak about emotions in dramatic situations

put the sentences on cards, Ss first decide what emotion they would experience; then they put the cards face, they pick one and read it out to their partner and the partner responds appropriately using the structure in italics.

wrap up (4-5 minutes) • FB

Ss think about which situation they have experienced themselves and find out what they have in common with their partners. Get some FB.

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