Reza Yekani Reza Yekani

Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss are provided with extended writing practice in the context of an informal email to a friend. As the subsidiary aim, however, they are provided with the opportunity to read through and analyze the structure of an informal email. The lesson starts with reading to provide a sample of an informal email between two friends; Daniel and Emily. This is followed by a writing skills section to give students a chance to develop their writing through various different micro skills. Finally, there is a "put-it-all-together" sections where Ss prepare to produce the language in form of an informal email to describe a visit to a friend.


Abc Personalized Writing Task
Abc Extra Writing Analysis Task

Main Aims

  • To provide process and product of an informal email to describe a visit to a friend

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide an opportunity for Ss to practice reading for gist and specific information in the context of an informal email to describe a visit to a friend.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-1 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows Ss the photo of "an old woman writing a letter". T elicits the word "letter writing".

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T shows Ss the wad of "letter puzzle". Ss get into pairs. T instructs Ss in letter sorting activity. T: Read the letter quickly and put it in the right order. T allocates 3 minutes for the task. Pairs compare the final work. T gives out the key. (One for four) Groups check responses. T invites Ss to pick one or two question slips. T encourages Ss to discuss it with the partner who has the same slip. Ss shortly discuss the answers in pairs. T gets one person from each pair to form a team. T gets Ss to discuss the "What do you know about...?" diagram. Ss discuss the items. T monitors the activity to: 1. make sure Ss are on the right track. 2. help Ss with useful language.

Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Ss remain in groups. T posts the "General Advice and Informal Language" poster on the board. T instructs Ss in searching for the items. T: "Reread the letter and find the items." T allocates 5 minutes. Groups swap members to check their work. T monitors the activity to: 1. make sure Ss are on the right track. 2. help Ss with useful language.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T gives out the "Writing Task - An Informal Letter to a Friend" H/O. T instructs Ss in reading the task before writing the letter. T: Fold the paper. Do not open it. Read the task quickly. T asks the CCQs: T: What is the story? T allocates 10 minutes. T posts the "Useful Language - Informal Emails" on the board. T encourages the students to try and apply the language in their letters. Ss put pen down to paper and start the task. T monitors the activity to: 1. make sure Ss are on the right track. 2. help Ss with useful language. 3. Collect probable language/lexis errors.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T publishes their work in form of a gallery. T gets Ss to read each other's work and see if they have anything in common. T: Read your works. Find three things in common with others. T writes the errors collected from the pieces and puts them on the board. T gets Ss to pair up and correct/reformulate the errors. T: Work with your partner. Correct the errors.

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