Shihata Tantawy Shihata Tantawy

TP5 There is/are
Elementary level


In this lesson, ss will use there is/are to describe things in different rooms of a flat or a house. They will also listen to a dialogue between an estate agent and two potential customers (Larry and Louise) talking about renting a house. In the end, they will ask and answer questions using is there/are about their own flats or houses.


Abc Answer keys
Abc Board markers
Abc Handouts
Abc Listening audio track 7.2
Abc Picture of flat or a house sketch
Abc Projector
Abc English File Elementary Student Book
Abc English File Elementary Teacher's Book
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, ss will have been introduced to there is/are and briefly practised them in the negative and the interrogative forms in the context of describing a flat or a house.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To ask and answer questions about their flats/houses using is there/are.
  • To practise listening for specif information.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Focus Ss' attention on the house/flat sketch and try to elicit as much information from them as possible. For example: What is this? a flat/a house How many rooms can you see? 3 What are the names of the rooms? a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom Name 2 things you usually find in these rooms? bath, toilet, cooker, fridge, bed, cupboard Elicit, concept check, drill and write the following vocabulary: a kitchen a bedroom a bathroom a bath a toilet a cooker a fridge a bed a cupboard rent low price an estate agent Most of this vocabulary will be presented vis pictures. Give ss HO1 (English File Elementary Student Book page 64) and ask them to do exercise 1 a (order the letters to make three rooms in a house) and 1 b (Name two things you usually find in these rooms) individually and then check their answers in pairs Showing the answer key on the board

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show the ss the advertisement on exercise 2 a on page 64 and ask them to look at the picture of the house and read the advertisement to answer the below question in pairs (Would you like to live in this house? Why (not) T monitors and gives support when needed Feedback Show the ss the picture of the house, the estate agent, Larry and Louise in exercise 2 b on page 64 Tell the ss that they will listen to a dialogue between the estate agent, Larry and Louise and answer the below question: Which three rooms in the house do they go into? the hall, the living room, the kitchen Use the below ICQs: Are you going to write down the three rooms that the estate agent will say? No Are you going to write down the three rooms that Larry and Louise say? No Are you going to write down the three rooms that they go into? Yes Play the audio Pair check Feedback Ask Ss to listen again and complete the dialogue in exercise 2 c on page 64 individually and then check in pairs Feedback Ask Ss to listen again and answer the 2 below questions individually and then check in pairs in exercise 2 d on page 64. What problem is there with one of the bedrooms? One of the bedrooms is very cold. Do they decide to rent the house? Yes Feedback

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ask the Ss to read the dialogue and underline there's/are/is not/are not/Is there/Are there individually and then check in pairs. T gives an example (There are six rooms. There's a kitchen) T monitors and gives support when needed. T discusses the answers with the Ss Elicits the grammatical rule (there is/are/isn't/aren't, is there/are there) from students, concept check, drill and write them on the right-hand side of the board. T shows the Ss exercise 3 a on page 65 and asks them to complete the chart individually and then check in pairs T monitors and gives support when needed Feedback T shows the Ss exercise 3 b on page 65 and asks them to read the questions and answer them individually and then check in pairs T monitors and gives support when needed T elicits that some is used when we don't know how many exactly Feedback

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shows the Ss exercise 6a a on page 133 in the student book. T gives an example and asks the Ss to complete the sentences with There's or There are individually and then check in pairs. T monitors and gives support when needed Feedback T shows the Ss exercise 6a b on page 133 in the student book. T gives an example and asks the Ss to write +, -, or? sentences with there is/are individually and then check in pairs. T monitors and gives support when needed Feedback

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T asks the Ss to complete the questions in exercise 5a on page 65 individually and then check in pairs. Feedback T asks the Ss to interview their pairs with the above questions and gives an example with 2 students or asks one student to interview you about your flat/house. Ss interview each other T monitors and collects errors Error correction on the board

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