abidat abidat


Abc Coursebook

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with clarification/review and practice of possessive 's in the context of personal information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give Ss practice in reading for specific information


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T reintroduces herself. -T shows picture of Annie's family and asks the learners to discuss in pairs and guess who the people are/how they know each other. - Ss work in pair to make their predictions. (2 -3 min). - T monitors and helps in needed. - T elicits answers in whole class feedback

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T focuses Ss on ex. 2 page 25. -T explains the page and activity. - T asks students to work in pairs and try to guess in the answers using the visuals. - Ss work in pairs to guess in the answers. (2-3 min) - T monitors and helps if needed. - T focuses Ss on the reading text of Annie Taylor on page 24. - T introduces pre-reading vocabulary: -to be married -in the center of town - T asks Ss to read the text and check if their answers in ex. 2 page 25 are correct or not. - Ss read the text and check their answers. (3 min). - T monitors and helps if needed. - T asks Ss to compare their answers with those of the person next to them. - Ss check their answers in pairwork. (2 min). - T elicits answers in whole-class feedback.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- T focuses Ss back on the text on page 24 and asks Ss to work in pairs to look through the text to find examples of possessive 's and 's for is. - Ss work in pairs to find the examples of possessive 's and 's for is. - T monitors and helps when needed. - T elicits the answers onto the board

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T does MFP for possessive 's. - T uses the contrast to highlight the meaning and form of the target language item and focuses Ss on the starter activity on p.24. - T uses the projector to show the paper on board. - T focuses Ss' attention on the row of subject pronouns and briefly reviews I, you, he etc pointing to yourself and students and eliciting the correct pronoun. - T focuses Ss's attention on the row of possessive adjectives in the chart and presents our and their. - T gets Ss to complete the chart, working in pairs. - Ss complete the chart in pairwork. (1 min). - T checks the answers and students' pronunciation in whole-class feedback . - T says that we use these words when we talk about possessions (something belongs to a person) or relations (e.g.my mother, her father). - T focuses Ss' attention on the examples in the speech bubbles and says the sentences, pointing to relevant objects and getting Ss to repeat. - T elicits more examples of the use of possessive adjectives by pointing to the objects that belong to the students and objects in the classroom. - T reviews the use of her, provides or elicits an example, like This is her bag, pointing to a female student's bag, and gets Ss to find a sentence similar to the example, in the text about Annie Taylor. - T elicits the answer of This is her family and writes it on the board. T says that we can say the same sentence in a different way, using the name of Annie. T writes the gapped sentence on the board: This is ....... family. T focuses Ss's attention on the examples of possessive 's elicited onto the board before and asks Ss to think in pairs what could be used instead of her in this sentence. - Ss works in pairs to find the answer of Annie's. (1 min). - T elicits the answer from the Ss and fills in the gap with Annie's. - T highlights the meaning of the target item and explains that this is another way we can speak about possession and that 's means 'the family of Annie' or 'her family'. - T highlights the form and shows how Annie's is made. - T focuses Ss' attention on other examples of possessive 's from the text and asks Ss how else they can say about possession here, eliciting answers like 'Annie's hospital - her hospital; Jim's office - his office.' - T focuses Ss attention on the pronunciation of s in 's and highlights that s is pronounced as /z/ in these examples. - T says sentences with 's and gets Ss repeat them both individually and chorally. - T focuses Ss' attention on the cases with the contracted form of is in sentences 'She's married; she's a doctor; he's a bank manager; she's at Camden High School.' T writes the full form 'is' under each contracted form and highlights that in color. T asks if the same can be done with possessive 's, for instance, in Annie's and elicits the correct answer from the Ss.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T passes out hand out of a gap fill exercise and explains the activity. The exercise contains gapped sentences with proper names in brackets; Ss need to fill in the gaps with possessive 's, putting the names in brackets into the possessive form. - T does Sentence 1 as an example. - Ss do the activity to fill in the blanks. - T monitors and helps if needed. - T gets Ss to check their answers in pairs. - T elicits the answers in whole-class feedback.

Controlled Practice 2 (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

- T passes hand out with the information gap and explains the activity. Students need to work in pairs. Both of the students have worksheets with the incomplete sentences which they have to complete by communicating and asking each other for the missing information. T gets Ss to work in pairs to do the activity. - Ss work in pairs and communicate with each other to get the necessary information and complete the sentences. - T monitors for the error correction. - After the activity the error correction is done.

Freer Practice (personalisation) (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T asks students to think of and write a similar paragraph to Annie's about someone in the class they know well. T says to Ss that they should not write the name of the person they are going to write about. - Ss write a paragraph about the person they have chosen. -T monitors and helps if needed. - T posts the paragraphs and asks Ss to mingle and guess who each paragraph is about.

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