Asyla Asyla

Copy of On the Phone
Elementary level


In this lesson , the students will practice listening to some phone messages in the context of authentic phone messages. First , the students will look at the three pictures and answer questions a - h . Then , they listen to four phone messages to fill in the gaps with the suitable word . Finally , they listen again and answer some questions about Emily. Finally . they are going to write their to do list for tomorrow.


Abc A hand out
Abc Course Book CD
Abc Flash cards
Abc The WB.
Abc Mp3 file from You Tube
Abc A hand out

Main Aims

  • To practice listening for specific information in the context of phone messages.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading for specific information and some new expressions in the context of phone messages.


Lead in (5 minutes) • To introduce , generate interest and get the students ready for listening to the phone messages .

I will play a recording about answer machines from you tube to familiarize them with the topic. Then , I will ask them to ask each other about their phone number to make sure that they read it in a correct way e.g. double five.

Pre – teach the vocabulary. (6 minutes) • To familiarize the students with the key words suggested on the book.

By using pictures , CCQs and the board I'm going to introduce the new vocab items . They are business card , enquiries , available and hang up .

Task1 (10 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information .

Students look at the pictures and answer the questions a-h . Then , in groups they check their answers.

Task 2 Listening (11 minutes) • To practice listening for specific information.

Students are going to try to fill in the gaps first to check their information then they listen to the phone messages to check their answers. They will listen to different phone messages to decide the action that should be taken , hang up , leave a message or press a number on the phone.

Task 3 Listening (9 minutes) • To practice listening for specific information.

The students will read the questions first .Then , listen to the phone messages to answer the questions about what Emily wants to do and the price of the theater tickets.

Writing (4 minutes) • To give the students chance to produce the language.

I am going to ask the students to write their to do list for tomorrow. Then , they tell each other about it.

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