Souhayel Weslety Souhayel Weslety

In Our Life Experiences
A2-B1 level


In this lesson, ss are introduced to the difference between the use of the PS and the PP when talking about experiences.


Abc HO1
Abc HO2
Abc Projector
Abc W/B
Abc Answer Key

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced functional language of talking about life experiences using the present perfect simple and contrasting it with the simple past.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide fluency speaking practice in conversation in the context of making statements and asking questions about life experiences.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Put on the board the following phrases: Traveling-Learning a second language-Rock climbing-Jumping off a plane-Attending a music concert-moving to a different country Give ss 2 minutes to have a quick read through and talk in pairs about what's in common between them.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Elicit 'Life experiences' and check for understanding with concept questions: 'Are they events that can happen to anyone?' yes 'Would you say they happen very often?' no 'Are they important events?' yes Ask ss if they lived one of the experiences above and elicit TL (I've moved to a different country or I've jumped off a plane or I've attended a music concert) Backchain drill (the first sentence they come up with) and write it on the upper half of the board Ask ss who have already confirmed they lived one of the experiences 'when did you move to a different country/when did you jump off a plane?' and encourage them to make a full sentence (with a time indicator) using the PS Write the PS sentence on the lower half of the board

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Draw the ss' attention to the difference between the 2 sentences 'Are we talking about the same experience?' yes 'Did we use the same tense?' no 'What could be the reason we didn't use the same tense? Could this [pointing out the time indicator in the PS sentence] be the reason?' 'In the first sentence, do we know when (name of ss) moved/jumped/climbed?' no 'In the second sentence, do we know when (name of ss) moved/jumped/climbed?' yes

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Bring the ss' attention back to the first sentence. * Clarify meaning through concept questions: 'Are we talking about a life experience here?' yes 'What's the experience?' moving to a different country/jumping/traveling 'From the sentence, do we know when he/she moved to different country/jumped off a plane?' no 'So what tense did we use?' PP 'What if we know when he/she moved to different country/jumped off a plane, what tense do we use?' PS * Clarify form: 'How did we make the present perfect simple?' Have/has+past participle * Clarify and highlight phonological features: 'Where's the strong part of the sentence?' moved/jumped/traveled 'in jumped, is there a [d] sound or a [t] sound?' [t] sound 'in moved, is there a [d] sound or a [t] sound?' [d] sound * Give out HO1 and have ss fill them out in pairs. Project a filled out version of the HO on the board.

Controlled Practice (12-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Find someone who .. *Chest or project the HO ss will use and demo very carefully how to write names when the answer is yes and don't ask them again when the answer is no. *Check for instructions: 'Can you start with any statement you want?' yes 'What do you do when they say yes?' write their name 'And if they say no?' don't talk to them *Execution Give out the HOs and ask ss to walk around the classroom and make questions out of the hints provided. Play background music, but not too loudly, so that I hear what ss say and comment when appropriate.

Free Practice (25-30 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

A variation of the game '2 Truths 1 Lie' * Demo: Read out 3 statements with PP about experiences I have lived (I've ridden a Ferrari/I've undergone a Karate training/I've been to London). Tell ss that one of them is not true and they have to guess which one by telling me 'you've never ..' * Instructions: 'You have 3 minutes (I'll give them 5 in reality) to write down 3 statements about experiences you have lived without mentioning when they happened. 2 statements have to be true and one a lie. Don't tell your friends which are true and which are not.' * Check for instructions: 'How many snetences are you going to write?' 3 'About yourselves or somebody else?' ourselves (ss will say me or we) 'Are all the statements true?' no, only 2 'Are you going to mention when you lived those experiences?' no 'So what tense will you use, PP or PS?' PP 'Are you going to tell your friends which statement is false?' no 'Make it as difficult as possible for them!' Might well also remind ss to come up with their own sentences rather than use the ones we dealt with in the beginning. * Encourage ss to use the form 'you've never ..' when they guess which of their classmates' statements are not true. * Note down repeated inaccuracies and address them later on as delayed feedback.

Wrap up (3-4 minutes) • To bring the lesson to an end.

Ask ss if they have any Qs. Remind them of lesson aims. Thank them for participating.

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