Mila Oktay Mila Oktay

Elementary, A1 level


SS will engage in vocabulary building tasks, a pronunciation practice; work on their receptive (reading) skills with an article (Travel Light) and improve their productive (speaking) skills with a game, all in the context of Traveling light.


Abc Travel objects OHP to WB
Abc Reading HO
Abc Vocabulary List HO
Abc Recording 1.4

Main Aims

  • To enable students to understand and use the lexical items related to traveling light

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop SS' reading and speaking skills


1. Lead-in (7-9 minutes) • To activate existing knowledge of lexical items related to the topic, to engage the SS

When you go on holiday, you take some things with you? What do you take? For example, if I want to listen to music on the bus, I take an MP3 player. What else? Write it down. Make a list. ICQ: Do you write or do you speak? (Monitoring) How many words do you have? Work with your partner. See what's different in their lists. (Monitoring) Do you have many different words from your partner? Tell me. (WGFB)

2. Match Vocabulary (8-9 minutes) • To introduce the new lexis

- Hand out printed vocabulary sheet, p. 10, Ex. 1A Vocabulary list: camera, mobile phone, laptop, purse, keys, diary, passport, MP3 player, magazine, hairbrush, watch, newspaper, toothbrush, sweater, sunglasses, ticket Is it the same as your list? -Project the picture needed for Ex. 1A What is this? (camera) So, where is it on the list? Match the words to the pictures. (Monitoring) One object isn't in the picture? What is it? -WGFB - Practice new lexis What's in picture A? (It's a camera.) What's in picture M? (It's a hairbrush.)

3. Focus on word stress (7-9 minutes) • To review the new lexis, to practice pronunciation and word stress

- (Ex. 1B) Write the word 'camera' on the WB CAmera. CAmera. Where is the stress? (If SS have trouble answering) CAmera. On 'a'? Or on 'e'? Is it camEra? - Mark the stress on the WB Now listen and mark the stress, on the word list. ICQ: Do you read or listen? Do you write or just mark? - Play R. 1.4 (Monitoring) Work in pairs. Is your answer different from your partner's? (Monitoring) Listen again and repeat the words. - Play R. 1.4

4. Name the object - Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To practice the new lexis and the 'What is this? It's a .......' structure

- (Ex. 1C) Project the picture of travel objects from 1A Who wants to do it? What's this? (camera) It's a camera. Now you ask me. Mingle in front of the WB.

5. Pre-reading task (1-2 minutes) • To set the context for the reading task and engage the SS

- Divide SS into groups of three or four In groups discuss which five things are always in your pocket or handbag.

6. Reading for gist - 'Travel Light' (6-8 minutes) • To practice the skill reading for the gist

- Hand out the printed article 'Travel Light' p. 10, Ex, 2B What is the name of the text? What is traveling light? Do we put a lot of things in our bags or just a few things? Read the text and answer the questions. (Monitoring) Discuss your ideas in pairs. (Monitoring) WGFB - Why is Travelite a good bag? Other ideas? Are your things from Ex. 2A in the bag?

7. Board Rush Game (5-7 minutes) • To practice the new lexis and have SS think under pressure

- Divide class into two groups. Have them form two rows. Give board markers to the SS at the front. I tell you what it is, you write the word on the board. Fast! I keep money in it. (purse) You open the door with it. (keys) You brush your hair with it. (hairbrush) I wear it when it's cold. (sweater) You read it while traveling. (newspaper or magazine) I use it to protect my eyes. (sunglasses) You brush your teeth with it. (toothbrush)

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