Larysa Larysa

A1-A2 beginners, kids aged 7-10 y.o. level


In this lesson students will revise and learn new kinds of food and meals, fruit and vegetables, have a grammar input of How many/ How much construction together with the understanding of countable and uncountable nouns, will improve their speaking skills using I like/ I dont like structure. Students will be able to recall and learn WH questions talking about food, its colours and number and will be able to have a real example of the food they learnt. In the lesson students will separate healthy and unhealthy food and will create a poster.


Abc Food handout

Main Aims

  • To encourage students to speak about their favorite food, being able to say what they like and dislike, name the colour and quantity.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To encourage students to cooperate and work in teams, to make them be able to use the foods names in the everyday life, to recognize most of the foods, snacks , fruits and vegetables. Distinguish healthy and unhealthy food.


Warmer/Lead-in (10-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher starts a lesson by greeting students asking "How are you today?" Ready to have some fun? We are going to talk about FOOD!" And then play "Hello" song. or as a variation "Hello, can you clap your hands?" song Teacher asks students to sit now and starts a short talk asking "How are you, Lena, Are you good Peter?" What is the weather today? Is it sunny? Cloudy? How do you feel? Are you happy? Are you sad? Playing a "show your emotions" game. Teacher asks students to show if they are happy/ sad/ angry/ then Teacher asks some students to name the emotion and demonstrate it by the whole group. As a variation, teacher can ask students to mime their emotions and all the other kids should guess what emotion it is.

Exposure (10-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Teacher announces and reminds students that today they are supposed to be talking about food and meals. Teacher distributes HO with the food listed and turns on an audio recording to make sure students pronounce all the food in a correct way. Drill if needed. page Unit 7 Food. (The book taken is Big English Plus, 2, SB, page 112). Teacher prepares a lunch box with the colourful cards of different food, snacks, fruit and vegetables. One by one, teacher shows each flashcard and has students identify it. Teacher lets volunteers take turns choosing flashcards to put in the lunch bag and telling the class what they are going to eat. Then teacher uses videos to teach more vocabulary, video for food, fruit and vegetables. Teacher teaches fruits and vegetables vocabulary with the "I like a peach" construction. Game. Teacher collects and hides all the visual cards with food, snacks and fruits and vegetables, then split the group into two teams, distributes tick it material, and places the cards in the middle. Team A has a left side of the board and team B has a right side of the board. Students stand in the line and come up to take a card one by one, then stick it to the defined category, fruits, vegetables, snacks, meals until all the cards are used. A team who has more cards wins, though teacher should check if the division is made correctly.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher asks students to sit down and comes up to the board saying "I like broccoli, but I don't like ice cream", then takes the cards out of the board. Every student does the same one by one. Video and a song " Do you like broccoli?" As a variation or a different vocabulary song Do you like tomatoes

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Teacher says "We are going to prepare two posters, with healthy and unhealthy food", Divides group into two teams. One supports unhealthy food and the other supports healthy food. With a pack of magazines and newspapers collected students cut out the needed food and glue these onto the posters. There can be as many or as much as they wish. After they finish, teacher sticks two posters onto the wall or board and starts asking questions including numbers and colours. "How many babanas can you see? How much rice can you see?" Teacher explains the difference between countable and countable food, drinks that we can't count and some food. Teacher keeps asking "How many bananas can you see? Four! What colour is banana? Yellow!" Teacher keeps asking these until all the items are listed.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher offers students to walk around the canteen and discover the real food. "Can you show me three bananas? Can you show me five tomatoes?" Then students sit in the canteen and talk to each other Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like tomatoes? No, I dont. Then teacher offers a memory game. Teacher and students pick up around 10-15 fruits and vegetables, snacks, then they play a memory game. Teacher hides one of the fruits or foods and asks students to guess what is missing.

The end of the lesson (5-8 minutes) • To have a logical end of the lesson and ask for a feedback

Teacher offers to get back to the classroom, offering to dance a bit, saying goodbye to each other in a cheerful way. Play the song Goodbye Teacher asks students "How do you feel? Are you happy? Are you bored? Which food do you remember? Name the food you remember." Thank you! Our time is up. See you tomorrow. And gives a wide smile to the students.

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