Paula Erzurum Paula Erzurum

TP 2 - Living at home
A2 (Elementary) level


In this lesson the grammar continues from the previous lesson and extends it to wh- questions in simple present.


Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To introduce and give Ss practice in Present Simple - wh- questions & short answers in the context of living at home

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give Ss semi-controlled speaking practice & the opportunity to practice wh- questions


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* Ss will help me write the questions from the text ' An Englishman's home is his castle' on the board - 1) Why does Andy live at home? 2) Why do you live at home? 3) What do you think of the situation? I will underline the wh- question words . I will explain that we will look at how the questions are made in more detail

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will ask Ss what the underlined words are (wh- question words). I will ask them how many there are (5 of them) and elicit from the Ss what they are and I will write them on the WB (where, who, why, how and what)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

* I will analyse the form of this at the WB with the Ss help - I will ask where the 5 words go in a sentence - they go at the start of the question. I will write 4 questions on the WB with the wh- question missing. I will elicit the missing words from Ss and write them on the WB. I will drill a few for pronunciation. (1 Where are you from? 2 What is his name? 3 Who does he live with? 4 Why do you live at home? * I will then show the form on the WB for 1 & 2 - wh- question + the sentence + ? * For 3 & 4 ... 3. Who does he live with? wh- + does (helping/auxiliary verb) + subject (he/she/it) + verb 1 4. Why do you live at home? wh- + do (helping/auxiliary verb) + subject (I/you/we/they) + verb 1

Controlled Practice (14-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

* I will show them HO 1 and ask them to answer task 1 questions themselves (match the question words with the questions) and then compare with the person next to them. Give the HO 1. * We will then check as a whole class * They will complete task 2 themselves (put the words in order to make questions) and then compare with their partner. We will check as a whole class. I will drill the questions * They will complete task 3 in pairs (ask each other the questions in task 2 & answer them), when they have finished I want a few examples from a few pairs.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

* I will give HO 2 (folded to only show the table). * I will model a few questions from the table (eg where do you live?). Ss to repeat * Ss will complete the questions themselves while I monitor * Ss to check their answers on the answer keys on the wall * I will choose a S and interview him/her using the questions

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will put Ss into pairs to interview each other using the questions from the table. They take notes of the answers. I will monitor.

Flexi-stage - if time (4-5 minutes) • To give Ss an opportunity to practice target skills

* If there is time - Ss can change the questions to he/she questions, change partners and ask questions about the first person they interviewed. * If time - Ss can write a small profile about each other

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