Nargiza Rahmatullayeva Nargiza Rahmatullayeva


Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Handouts
Abc Handouts (T made)
Abc Power Point

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of object pronouns in the context of "We are twins"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in accuracy and fluency while taking part in a conversation by asking and answering questions in the context of things you like and don't like


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To generate interest in the context of "We are twins"

The teacher projects a picture on to the WB and asks the students what they remember about Hugo and Adam from their previous lesson. The teacher elicits some answers from a few students. The teacher projects the reading text, highlights one part of the text and asks the students ‘Who is speaking in this part?” (Adam) The teacher highlights the other part of the text and asks again “Who is speaking in this part then? (Hugo) “What are they talking about?” The teacher gets some answers and gives feedback. By asking these questions, the teacher prepares the students for the next stage.

Highlighting the target language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight the target language by a guided discovery approach

The teacher gives out handouts (The Teacher Made) including six sentences and asks the students to find these sentences in the text. After they have found them, the teacher asks the students “Are these sentences the same as the ones in the text?” (No) “Are there any differences?” (Yes) The teacher asks the students to highlight all the differences. After they are done, the teacher asks the students to compare what they have highlighted with their partners. Then the same activity is repeated on the WB for all the students to see. This is done to make sure that all the students are on the same page.

Clarifying the target language (6-8 minutes) • Clarify the meaning and use of object pronouns, highlighting the correct forms and practicing the pronounsiation

The teacher asks the students why they put those objects pronounce there. The students may not know the answer but at least they start to think about it and they also become aware of the use of object pronouns. The teacher explains how object pronouns are used and why. Subject +verb+object pronounce CCQs "Do object pronouns come before the verb? (No) "Do object pronouns come after the verb? (Yes) The teacher drills and models some examples of pronunciation. The teacher gives out handouts (Activity 9A Face to Face, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, Pp55) and asks the students to fill in the gaps with object pronouns. After they are done, the teacher asks them to check their answers with their partners. Then, the teacher asks the students to fill in the gaps on the WB so all the students can double check their answers. The teacher asks the students to work in pairs. The students answer the questions from 9A according to their opinions The teacher gets quick FB.

Language Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled and freer practice of object pronouns

The teacher asks the students to work in pairs. Then she asks the students to write five questions about Adam and Hugo. After they are done, they ask their partners their questions and get the answers; then they switch their roles. The teacher gets quick WCFB and gives delayed FB if it is necessary. The teacher asks the students to get up and find a new partner. Then the teacher gives cards A and B to the students and asks them to sit with their new partners. The teacher asks the students to write six questions according to the pictures in column A. "Do you like horror films?" After they are done, they guess if their partners like the things in the table. They put a tick or a cross in column B of the table. Then the students ask their questions and put a tick or a cross in column C of the table. Then they check to see if their guesses are correct or not. The teacher asks the students to tell the class two things about their partners.

Feedback • To establish correct answers

The teacher writes the mistakes that ss have made during the freer practice on the board. The teacher asks the students to correct the mistakes. If they can't correct them, the teacher gives some clarification.

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